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Foreign Stout vs Imperial Stout

General Beer Discussion by LENUSIK

When a beer/stout is 8.5%, how do you determine that it is Foreign vs Imperial (in this case I am referring to the Fade To Black I). Just curious.

13 years ago
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# 1

Damn good question. I go by what the brewer or label states.

13 years ago
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Concur... Guinness = Foreign Stout & Great Divide Yeti = Imperial Stout... but then again, Guinness is a foreign beer to begin with... been a long week...

quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Damn good question. I go by what the brewer or label states.

13 years ago
# 3
# 3

Generally, foreign stouts are a different recipe from a base/traditional stout that is made for export. Guiness stout, Lion stout, Cooper's...all examples of classic FES's. So I would find out if the brewer of Fade to Black makes a basic stout (maybe even a dry stout) and if this is made specifically for export. If not, then the brewer is maybe trying to be one of the cool kids, and call their Impy stout somethig different. Also, FES's are generally high hopped like Impy's but they don't have a hoppy aroma like some Imp's have. I seem to have a hard time spelling foreign.

13 years ago
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damn foreigners!

13 years ago
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Somewhere between a regular stout and an impy with abv as described on another site seems about right to me. Also, there usually seems to be a slightly tart tang to them. I had Pale Horse Export Stout last night. Absolutely amazing, imho, perfect example of the style.

13 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
Generally, foreign stouts are a different recipe from a base/traditional stout that is made for export. Guiness stout, Lion stout, Cooper's...all examples of classic FES's. So I would find out if the brewer of Fade to Black makes a basic stout (maybe even a dry stout) and if this is made specifically for export. If not, then the brewer is maybe trying to be one of the cool kids, and call their Impy stout somethig different. Also, FES's are generally high hopped like Impy's but they don't have a hoppy aroma like some Imp's have. I seem to have a hard time spelling foreign.
Thanks, I was thinking strictly along ABV lines as that seems to be how many styles get divided.

13 years ago
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