Looking for retired Microbiologist John from WI
General Beer Discussion by NINKASI
Looking for John who lives between Madison and Milwaukee Wisconsin. I met you at Crown Brewery in Indiana, and you offered to let me brew beer at your farm. You were on your way to meet other Beerpal members at a festival in Knoxville. I lost your contact info!! Please contact me
13 years ago
We were never at Crown. But I do believe you're talking about pfoxyjohn. Send him a beermail!
He was spotted in Knoxville with a wide smile on his face especially after trying the Crown & Goose Royal Stout. He is a fine outstanding fellow with a mild disposition, an unsurpassed love and knowledge of craft beers, fondness for artisan cheeses and good music. (One of us smartasses will pass on your contact info to the Pfoxyjohn. Phishpond is closer to him so I nominate him)
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
He was spotted in Knoxville with a wide smile on his face especially after trying the Crown & Goose Royal Stout. He is a fine outstanding fellow with a mild disposition, an unsurpassed love and knowledge of craft beers, fondness for artisan cheeses and good music. (One of us smartasses will pass on your contact info to the Pfoxyjohn. Phishpond is closer to him so I nominate him)