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What's an ale? or a beer?

General Beer Discussion by MARKFRAGHERT Interesting article with a heavy British slant to it.

13 years ago
# 19
# 19


quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
quote: quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
Lets really make this topic wierd and just call everything "Barley and Hop Liquid Bread Tea".
I'm all for weird. Used to live in Austin, maybe that's where I picked it up? And yes, the alcohol laws in Texas are weird, until you realize they favor Texas brewers by promoting consumption while discouraging out of state competition. Thus we have Shiner Bock. As for a new name, I think "Barley and Hop Liquid Bread Tea" is long enough to justify an acronym. How do you pronounce BHLBT? On the other hand, Liquid Tea is redundant, and there's nothing about fermentation. Also what about wheat and rye? How about "Bread Buzz Beverage?" All those Bs go well with other favorites, such as Blues, BBQ, Bikes, Bullets, and Beautiful Babes with Big Booties and Bounteous Boobage. For some reason, this is making me thirsty...
You forgot the most important 'B' of all..................Bacon!

13 years ago
# 20
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13 years ago
# 21
# 21

Why? Ding Dang the dog licks his balls-cause he can. We all Know the difference,its all a game of Silly Buggers, is it not? Its the SEASON, lol.

13 years ago
# 22
# 22

This got awesome, someone needs to make a "Bacon, Bullet, Babe inspired Bread Buzz Beverage!" Now can we all stop using the word beer thank-you

13 years ago
# 23
# 23

Now THIS is entertaining (stumbled upon googling Beerpal as opposed to typing it in the bar. From Mr Cornell... Tag Archives: Beerpal Are you thinking of another Martyn Cornell? Posted on November 22, 2011 It’s truly a bizarre experience reading false stuff about yourself on the internet. Over on Beerpal they’ve been having a discussion about the differences between ale and beer, springing from this post. Someone said: “Who is this Brit who can’t understand that the way we Americans use a word is the way a word must be used?” (or something to that effect), and someone called Mark Fraghert responded with seven totally wrong claims about me: The writer is Martyn Cornell, considered the foremost expert on beer in the world … Great Dionysus, no, no, I’m most certainly not considered that, not at all, not by anybody, not even by me. How did Mr Fraghert make that one up? I wouldn’t call myself even “a leading beer historian”. A following beer historian, quite a lot of the time. … and the person who worked with the late beer expert Michael Jackson on many of his books. No I didn’t – I never worked with Michael Jackson at all. I was quoted in one of his books, back in 1990 or so. That’s my only link to any of his publications. Martyn has been writing about beer for more than 30 years … Trivially true: I’ve been seriously writing about beer only for 15 years, however. … has authored over a dozen books No I haven’t – three, that’s all. … is the founder of the British Brewing Guild … No I’m not. There’s no such organisation. I was at the meeting held to set up the British Guild of Beerwriters, but so were a lot of other people. … and is a multiple award winner of the British Beer Writer of the year award. No I’m not. Once. Eight years ago. He is currently in the news doing his best to discredit Garrett Oliver’s efforts as a editor with Oliver’s Oxford Companion to Brewing. No, I’m, definitely, absolutely not doing that at all. I have no wish to discredit Garrett Oliver, for whom I have great admiration. Cornell is definitely not a student. Well, THAT he got right. But now these “facts” about me are out there, how soon before they get repeated, and turn up at the top of every Google search? Let’s hope I never get a Wikipedia page …

13 years ago
# 24
# 24


quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
................... Well, THAT he got right. But now these “facts” about me are out there, how soon before they get repeated, and turn up at the top of every Google search? Let’s hope I never get a Wikipedia page …
An acquaintance of mine used to have a wikipedia page (relatively prominent scientist) and a couple of years ago he actually hired an undergraduate student for a summer term to go in and clean up all the erroneous stuff that people would invariably attribute to him on a weekly basis. The concept of a living encyclopedia is great........the concept of letting anybody with an internet connection register and update articles at will......not so great.

13 years ago
# 25
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It all goes down the same hatch, so in the end, does it really matter?

13 years ago
# 26
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Slowrunner, you beat me to it! Here is the link.

12 years ago
# 27
# 27


I'd like a "Bacon-, Bullets-, Bikes-, Blues-, BBQ-, and Beautiful Babes with Big Booties and Bounteous Boobage-inspired Bread Buzz Beverage," please!

12 years ago
# 28
# 28


Is stout an ale? Of course it is!

12 years ago
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