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Poll: Frozen Beer?

Poll Discussion by CLASH

You accidently froze a beer, what would you do? -Throw it out! It's going to be awful. -Let it sit out and thaw on its own. -Use warm water to speed up thawing. -Put it in the microwave, instant thaw. -Save it for unwelcomed guests. -Send it to the "Bros" on another site. You get in a hurry to chill something, then you get distracted somehow, and the next day you open the freezer...."Oh crap!" If it's some cheap $1 bottle of beer sure you just toss it, but it's a $12 bomber you just bought or a beer out of your cellar you've had for a few years (something along those lines). How do you handle that?

13 years ago
# 19
# 19


Don't change it, Clash. According to Merriam-Webster, "accidently" is an acceptable alternative spelling. I freeze my beer intentionally to remove the water so I can get drunk fast and piss myself.

13 years ago
# 20
# 20

quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
I freeze my beer intentionally to remove the water so I can get drunk fast and piss myself.
Foam, how did Suds get your password?[:D][;)]

13 years ago
# 21
# 21

quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
I freeze my beer intentionally to remove the water so I can get drunk fast and piss myself.
Foam, how did Suds get your password?[:D][;)]

13 years ago
# 22
# 22

i like the dyrekshun this here forum has taken.

13 years ago
# 23
# 23


quote: Originally posted by heemer77
Holy shit, that made me laugh out loud! Thanks.

13 years ago
# 24
# 24

quote: Originally posted by fargingbastige6
quote: quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
I freeze my beer intentionally to remove the water so I can get drunk fast and piss myself.
Foam, how did Suds get your password?[:D][;)]
I have everyone's password...

13 years ago
# 25
# 25

ermmmm... well actually the missus accidentaly froze a bottle of Cuvée Renée Framboise, and it actually became a pretty delicious sorbet ![:p]

13 years ago
# 26
# 26

quote: Originally posted by lenusik
quote: quote: Originally posted by Clash
You accidently froze a beer, what would you do? -Throw it out! It's going to be awful. -Let it sit out and thaw on its own. -Use warm water to speed up thawing. -Put it in the microwave, instant thaw. -Save it for unwelcomed guests. -Send it to the "Bros" on another site. You get in a hurry to chill something, then you get distracted somehow, and the next day you open the freezer...."Oh crap!" If it's some cheap $1 bottle of beer sure you just toss it, but it's a $12 bomber you just bought or a beer out of your cellar you've had for a few years (something along those lines). How do you handle that?
1) It is spelled 'accidentALly 2) Who 'accidentally' (or accidently as you prefer) freezes a beer. I freeze all my beer intentionally, but only swill..........swill is meant to drunk to get drunk, and the colder the better! Courtesy of an old guy who has frozen many a beer (easily done when you can throw tha cans/bottles into the snowbanks out back)!
Who are you? The spelling police? I acksidonkaly frooze ma bear too daze ugo. Stuck it in the freezer so it wasn't piss warm and totally forgot about it. Put it back in the fridge a couple of days later and all was well two days after that.

13 years ago
# 27
# 27


quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
Don't change it, Clash. According to Merriam-Webster, "accidently" is an acceptable alternative spelling. I freeze my beer intentionally to remove the water so I can get drunk fast and piss myself.
Dude, you mean "intentionly". I'm here to help.

13 years ago
# 28
# 28

Break the bottle neck and grab a spoon !

12 years ago
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