Boulevard-Deschutes Collaboration
Beer Swapping by HANNAH
I've been meaning to try a couple new beers by trade and I'm finally putting together an offer based on a specific need. I would love to compare both versions of the new Boulevard-Deschutes collaboration beer. I have plenty of Boulevard's version; who will trade me for a bottle of Deschutes??? A Boulevard brewer who has sampled both told me they are very different for beers of the same recipe. Water really does make a difference evidently. I would love to exchange a couple other bottles of your choosing. I have a stockpile of some truly amazing Oklahoma beers that I don't think anyone outside of Oklahoma can probably get their paws on. I'm really proud of what we are brewing locally (seriously, you'll be pleasantly surprised) so please let me show it off and have my parallel tasting like a proper beer nerd. Anyone interested, please let me know!
13 years ago
Hannah, let me check. The store where I got mine (which are all gone [:D]) is out of it, but rumor has it there are a few left at another store. i'll take a peak and get back to you. i'd love to do a side by side as well, so i'd have to get a couple...
Hannah, if my boys don't figure out when they want to come over, it just might be me and the wife doing this tasting. Something tells me they'll figure something out, though. ...looks like we'll be doing this late tonight. kinda like a mini-tasting before the big one tomorrow.
Hannah, I too prefered the Deschutes beer to the Boulevard. Bottle Conditioning and the carbonation that comes with it seems to dull the hop profile, even just a little, with the glaring excpetion being Alesmith IPA. The spices were slightly more evident in the Boulevard, which was oddly darker, and the hops more prevelant in the Deschutes, which all three of us prefered. Thanks for making this happen. BTW, we had the DNR as a nightcap. Nicely done!
I am compelled to make this conclusory post. The simple request I made in this forum has turned into an awesome experience. Not only did I get the Deschutes I was after, but three additional and comparably fantastic beer trades resulted. My beer cellar overfloweth with more 2 dozen new beers to sample and enjoy. Thanks to everyone who reached out and made it happen. I heart beerpal.
it seems like the boys you traded with are quite happy as well, myself included!
quote: Originally posted by Hannah
I am compelled to make this conclusory post. The simple request I made in this forum has turned into an awesome experience. Not only did I get the Deschutes I was after, but three additional and comparably fantastic beer trades resulted. My beer cellar overfloweth with more 2 dozen new beers to sample and enjoy. Thanks to everyone who reached out and made it happen. I heart beerpal.
quote: Originally posted by Hannah
I am compelled to make this conclusory post. The simple request I made in this forum has turned into an awesome experience. Not only did I get the Deschutes I was after, but three additional and comparably fantastic beer trades resulted. My beer cellar overfloweth with more 2 dozen new beers to sample and enjoy. Thanks to everyone who reached out and made it happen. I heart beerpal.