Widmer Brothers
General Beer Discussion by MIKEMORROW
They seem to be trying to up their image. They are releasing many new IPAs this year. Named the Rotator series. I have the X-114 IPA. Very floral nose. Carmel middle. And a dry bitter finish. A good find at $6.99 a 6er
13 years ago
A couple years ago they came out with thier winter brew, Brrr. I gave it a try, and I was very surprized. It is now my go to winter brew. Great taste low price. Last year W-11 Black IPA was very tasty. This years KGB needed to mellow but has become smooth and full bodied. I agree that in years past they were very common tasting american light beer types. But they are coming up. And very much worth a nother try. The X-114 IPA was so tasty I drank 5 last night. It seemed to get better the more I drank[:D]
Our local grocery store, which caters to the mostly Mexican populatioin of my town, had Deadlift on sale for $6.99. My brother and I were (I think) the only one who bought the 4-packs so they dropped it to $3.99 and we bought it out. Great beer, even when semi-fresh.
quote: Originally posted by Suds McDuff
Deadlift was great...and priced to move!
I agree that they are trying to jump on the craft beer band wagon (aren't they partially owned by A/B?). Some beers are really nice, others I don't mind them being 50/50.
I really like Snowplow, and the beer they replaced it with...Brrr. Both very nice sixers. Within the style, Octo was good, and for the price KGB was very nice as well. Most of the regular rotation are average.
I've had the Brrr and Brrrbon and rated them 3.5 and 3.6. Good, but I thought I paid a lot for them. I know one came in a box, so maybe that's why I'm thinking it was expensive. The main reason I didnt like Widmer is because they used to have employees come to the local bar I use in this Portland suburb and give out samples. I never liked any of them, but they were always pretty bland styles. They also really push their hefewiezen with all kinds of bar decor. I had that beer twice and never liked it. Maybe I need to try some of the exotic beers mentioned above. I suppose one of these weekends I will try their brewpub, but in the past I always passed it up for others in this dense packed brew land.