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Olympics drug use: Solution

Non-Beer Discussion by BRADPEAR

More headlines about Olympic athletes  using drugs. Now thats news! Not, the game seems to be the vast majority of athletes train using various perfromance enhancing substances, and the trick is to get clean before the testing. The Olympic comittee knows what the score is, if they wanted to eliminate drug use they would have a piss test system like the feds do in prison or for those on supervised release, not to mention the test we have to pass in my union. it is damn hard to beat a serious drug screening. The fact is drugs are used, and for the most part it is don't tell, don't get caught. My solution to the probelm is simple: run two classes of athletes: the ones we have now, and an unlimited class with only one rule-no changing the pumbing, you have to move your bowels and bladder in gender. This is a run what you brung class. This way the drugs that are being used now can be tested in the light of day ,and the perfromance of those on drugs can be directly compared to those in the "non-fuel" class. If you want to carry out the drag racing analogy one step further, you can run a top eliminator which pits the best of both classes against one another for a winner takes all top spot. This foremat would not only solve the drug problem, it would add extra air time for advertising! This is a win win solution to a problem that everyone knows is going on, but choose to ignore until some poor jerk gets busted for doing what they have to to keep up with the next team. Of course, this is a real world fix, and there will be those folks yelling :I never did that"! Still, in a real world where drugs are used in all sports to one degree or another, this is a step toward reality.

20 years ago
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In Reply To #1 I would almost say "screw it, let them take all the drugs they want". If a chick wants an adams apple or a guy wants to watch his balls shrink, I don't care. But unfortunately, this wouldn't work out well for all the high school athletes who would definitely snatch up every drug they could. Age restrictions would be pretty useless.

20 years ago
# 2
# 2

In Reply To #2 The problem already exist-my vote is getting the situation above board into the light of day. The drugs are and would still be regulated, the high school kids is a red herring, they get any thing they want now. My idea is at the olympic level, drug testing for college and high schools would continue. My point is simple-the substances are being used, make em legal for those who want to use them.

20 years ago
# 3
# 3


In Reply To #1 No way in hell should they be legalized. They are ridiculously unhealthy for you, and can be fatal. Sure it's easy to say "well that's the athlete's choice," but what about the huge advantage it gives them on the playing field? You'll have all these other athletes pressured into this unhealthy habit so that they can remain at the top of the game. Two classes? No way. If we had one class of juiced up athletes, and one class of non juiced up athletes, which one do you think people would want to watch? Again, it would pressure good athletes into taking the substances. Take baseball for instance, what's more fun to watch, Barry Bonds or Troy Glaus? Remember, Troy Glaus was a home run king a couple years back, but who cares? He never hit the ball 500 feet. And yes, I am implying that Bonds has taken steroids.

20 years ago
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In Reply To #4 Ok, read the idea again-is anyone being pressured into using the drugs? Is there not two classes running in events? Is it not going on now? Did you read today's events in Greece? If you go to the drags, don't you watch the pro-stockers before the fuel cars?If folks want to watch the "juiced" competitors, what is wrong with that. Have you ever taken these drugs? I have, they work very well if used properly. I want to see the use in the light of day so the results can be available to the public. If there are drugs that work, hell use 'em. Is not alcohol a drug? Can it not be fatal? Don't people have terrible times with it? The system is not working now as far as drugs in the Olympics and sports go. You have three choices-leave it be, more harsher drug testing, fix it. By the way you were the fellow trying to buy alcohol under age no? LOL!!! What is it? Don't take my drug take the other guys?

This message was edited by Brad Pear at 8/13/2004 5:34:12 AM.

20 years ago
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In Reply To #3 Legalizing drugs is just plain ludicrous. I could care less what these drugs do to an athlete's body, that's their choice to make, but when it comes down to it taking a performance enhancing drug is just plain cheating. Cheaters should be thrown out, life-time ban, no concessions and no 2nd and third chances. Take it Ben Johnosn. Take it Pete Rose. Anything more than a dietary supplement gives one guy an extra advantage over the next guy and that's and unfair advantage. As for highschoool kids...we've all been there-kids are just idiots by and large and are going to do what they are going to do. Getting a highschool football player who wants to take steroids to not take steroids is like getting a kid who wants to smoke pot not to smoke just aint gonna happen and the only way the kid will learn is through experience.

This message was edited by Crown Royals at 8/13/2004 10:22:39 AM.

20 years ago
# 6
# 6

In Reply To #6 The drugs are only cheating if they remain illegal, that is the point. The vast majority of competitors are using these substances at some point in their sports career. The benefits are not just performance, but some can aid in the healing of tissue damage, and can prolong careers. What I get a kick out of is the reaction to leaglizing drugs on a drug related forum! If you don't care about twhat a person does with their own body, perfect. Why not just bring this issue to the front and let peole work through it. If indeed these products are as bad as some folks claim, this idea will have a short life, so be it. The idea is to see just how well these drugs do work in broad daylight. It is a fact they work,or folks would not be using them, and going through great effort to "clean up" before the competitions. r analogy of high school kids is perfect-professionals will use waht ever it takes to obtain and maintain an edge, let's not penalize them for trying to be the best. If you want to toss cheaters out of the Olympics, get rid of professionals! While we are at it, why not make the drinking age for bier 16 like most of the civilized world?

This message was edited by Brad Pear at 8/13/2004 11:21:12 AM.

20 years ago
# 7
# 7


In Reply To #7 If we legalize 'roids, why not legalize marihuana? After all, it's all natural, of the earth? If properly administered, sure! Why not? After that, we should legalize cocaine. After all, it comes from the cocoa plant. What about heroine? Grown from the poppy plant. Hey, lets just have special olympics for all the heroine addicts.

20 years ago
# 8
# 8

In Reply To #8 No question about it, legalize all drugs, or at least don't lock folks up for em. I figure marijuana could follow the home brewing laws 200 gallons, 200 plants, no problem. Yea, special olympics for jinkies. Fastest fixer, most hits same arm etc... You forgot meth-legalizing would sure reduce some of your case load. The two things the cops are death on in Deutschland is driving drunk, and driving stoned on pot. Both are a sure-fire way to loose your driving license.Pot laws are odd-no users go to jail, keep it small growning no problem like California. Where in Ca. we can have up to 28 grams and not get busted, here in the different states different amounts.

20 years ago
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