Ohio Valley/ Pittsburgh area
General Beer Discussion by MINGO51
Does anyone know some places in the Ohio Valley or even Pittsburgh area where I could find some real world class beers? From what I have found there seems to be a bit of a drought in my neck of the woods. So if you could direct me to some places where I could find some great beer please let me know.
20 years ago
In Reply To #1 Hey Mingo...You obviously did not see my response to your post under the Porter thread....well here it is again.... In Reply To #13 Hey Mingo....Again, Baltika Porter from Russia is available at two places...Smokin Joe's down on East Carson Street in the South Side of PGH.....and at the Sharp Edge Creek House off of the Thornburg Bridge in Crafton, PA.....I was leaping for joy when the Sharp Edge finally put it on their menu......I am not sure of any other places here in PGH to get far as other porters, Anchor Porter is available at most places like Fatheads on the South well as Sam Smith's Taddy which can also be found at the same places...You might want to try the Pipers Pub across Carson Street from Fatheads for that one.....Where are you at, Steubenville???....Good Hunting! Oiz Oh one more question..You can't get Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter where you're at???....if not, again the same places carry it....Good stuff...(a Pittsburgh guy liking a Cleveland beer??...Oh my!)... This message was edited by oiznop at 4/15/2004 5:33:17 PM. Now mentioned b-4, here are the places that I frequent in town where you will find a vast selection of top notch microbrews and imported yummys!....Web links included... The Penn Brewery -- -- Brewpub The Church Brew Works -- -- Brewpub The Sharp Edge Creekhouse and Beer Emporium -- Bar/Restaurant John Harvard's....National Chain Brewpub Rock Bottom Brewery -- National Chain Brewpub.... Fatheads -- Bar/Restaurant -- Smokin Joe's -- Bar -- No web page that I know of...Located on Carson Street on the South Side.... Chiodo's -- Bar (never been there & don't know of any web site) Bados Ale House -- Market Street Ale House -- Bar -- The Pipers Pub -- Irish Bar/Restaurant -- All in the Pgh metro...for contact info and addresses, consult the web sites.....Hope you enjoy this...again I ask, where are you???...and I can't believe you can't get any of the Great Lake's brews where you're at.....Cheers!!! Oiz
You may want to take a drive to Morgantown and hit the WV Brewing Company. The have the best brew I have had in the mountain State. Its on University Ave.