

1251 beers | 3.430 Avg Score

A deep golden (Helles Bocks & Maibocks) to brown (Traditional Bocks) colored lager, which originated in the German town of Einbeck as early as the 14th century. After being resurrected in Munich three centuries later, this style errantly became known as "bock" (which also means "billy-goat" in German) instead of "beck." The bock beer is malty rich and sweet (but not overly sweet) and typically contains bready, toasted, even caramel flavors that are in some cases lightly balanced but never overcome by hops. The alcohol level is higher than the average beer but does not dominate the aroma or flavor. The body of a bock is medium to just under full-bodied. The smooth character of a lager should come through in the bock.