Townsite Biere d'Hiver
Townsite Biere d'Hiver
Rated 3.125 by BeerPalsBrewed by Townsite Brewing Incorporated
Powell River, British Columbia, CanadaStyle: English Strong Ale
7.5% Alcohol by Volume
29 International Bittering Units
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DEFINITION: in Powell River, the sugar plum fairy swings into winter on a zunga, bringing with her a delicious winter ale full of spicy, plummy flavours. Subtly spiced with coriander, star anise & Cédric’s hand-made Candi Sugar, this mother of a brown ale tastes of plums, currants and caramel. At 7.5% ABV, it is the perfect accompaniment to a night by the fire with a good book.
ID: 56277 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 10 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 32991 |
Overall Percentile | 41.6 |
Style Rank | 250 of 363 |
Style Percentile | 31.1 |
Lowest Score | 3.5 |
Highest Score | 3.5 |
Average Score | 3.500 |
Weighted Score | 3.125 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
Bomber from Central City, and not a bargain at >$11. Clear mahogany pour under a creamy beige head; short life but at least a ring was left behind. Not a bad aroma: dark chocolate, dark fruit, spices, and yeast. Respectable mouthfeel. Flavour pretty much like the aroma. Not a complex beer, but nice enough.