Sibeeria Podzim 2023 Wee Heavy
Sibeeria Podzim 2023 Wee Heavy
Rated 3.125 by BeerPalsBrewed by Sibeeria - PowerBrew
Praha, Czech RepublicStyle: Scottish Ale
7% Alcohol by Volume
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Wee Heavy, 17°, 7% ABV Léto je u konci, proto nastal čas najet na trochu těžší piva. Podzim 2023 je klasické skotské Wee Heavy. Žádné moderní doplňky, jen pár sladů a anglický chmel. Pivo definované svou jednoduchostí. Anglický slad jsme doplnili špetkami karamelového a praženého ječmene, které Podzimu dodaly impozantní tmavě rubínovou barvu a aroma připáleného karamelu, kakaa, kávy a tmavého ovoce. Plné, robustní tělo vyvažuje zemitá hořkost chmelu East Kent Golding. To všechno dotváří nižší nasycení, které dodá nejen jemnější tělo, ale i působivý lavinový efekt při nalití do sklenice. Summer’s coming to its end, so it’s time to turn to heavier beers. Podzim 2023 is an old-school Wee Heavy. No adjuncts, simple grain bill and only English hops. A beer beautiful in its simplicity. English malts with a touch of caramel and roasted barley create deep ruby-red colour and aroma of dark toffee, cocoa and fruity coffee. A full, robust body is balanced by earthy bitterness provided by East Kent Golding hops. All of this is made whole by lower carbonation providing not only a smooth mouthfeel but also stunning cascading foam.
ID: 103931 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 11 months agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 34752 |
Overall Percentile | 38.8 |
Style Rank | 501 of 697 |
Style Percentile | 28.1 |
Lowest Score | 3.5 |
Highest Score | 3.5 |
Average Score | 3.500 |
Weighted Score | 3.125 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
Rating Distribution
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
500 ml can, as Sibeeria Podzim 2023 Wee Heavy, at Cardinal, Stavanger. ABV is 7%. Dark brown colour, moderate off-white to beige head. Aroma of malts and grain, hints of burnt caramel and roasted nuts, notes of earthy hops. The flavour is malty but not very sweet, roasty and nutty notes, moderate earthy hops.