
Nørrebro Bryghus SEVEN Imperial Stout (Bordeaux Barrel)

Nørrebro Bryghus SEVEN Imperial Stout (Bordeaux Barrel)

Rated 3.350 by BeerPals
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Brewed by Nørrebro Bryghus

Copenhagen, Denmark

Style:  Imperial Stout

12% Alcohol by Volume

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Editor’s note: 527 bottles of 37,5 cl made. Danish: En meget fyldig Russian Imperial Stout på 12% alk. Den er brygget i oktober 2008 af 7 af de bedste bryggere i Danmark, som en blanding af de 7 bryggeres egne opskrifter af øllen. Efter gæring har denne øl lagret 7 måneder i Bordeaux fade af amerikansk eg. Resultatet er en intens, kompleks krop og en aroma, hvor vanille, eg og ristede malte er gennemtrængende. Smagen er stor, tør og blød med solid bitterhed og en lang, ristet eftersmag med vanille og egesødme. English: Seven Bordeaux Barrel is a very rich Russian Imperial Stout, brewed in October 2008 by 7 of the best brewers in Denmark as a pooling of their individual recipes for the beer. After primary fermentation, this fraction of the brew was racked into an American oak barrel from a Bordeaux winery. After 7 (!) months in the barrel, the beer is intensely complex, full bodied with protruding vanilla, oaky and roasted aromas and flavours. Bitter, dry and smooth on the palate with a long vanilla aftertaste.

ID: 37608 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 15 years ago

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Overall Rank11705
Overall Percentile89.2
Style Rank1624 of 5633
Style Percentile71.2
Lowest Score4.4
Highest Score4.4
Average Score4.400
Weighted Score3.350
Standard Deviation0.000

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1 Member Reviews

  • SIGMUND 7729 reviews
    rated 4.4 15 years ago

    Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

    375 ml bottle, kindly shared by my beer pal Olav, who bought it at Nørrebro Bryghus. Pitch black colour, low brown head. Aroma of acidic fruits and red wine, also notes of dark chocolate and mild coffee. Intense flavour of strong coffee and oak, also notes of dark bitterchocolate, hints of red wine. Bitter hops in the finish.

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