Boréale Hors Sentiers: IPA

Boréale Hors Sentiers: IPA

Rated 3.000 by BeerPals

Brewed by Brasseurs du Nord, Les / Bière Boréale

Blainville, Quebec, Canada

Style:  Reduced Alcohol

0.5% Alcohol by Volume

35 International Bittering Units

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Ça, c’est notre IPA sans alcool et sans égal. Cette India Pale Ale généreuse se savoure n’importe quand, n’importe où. Non alcoolisée et non filtrée, cette India Pale Ale a tout pour plaire aux amateurs de Boréale et de IPA. Brassée avec le savoir-faire artisanal de notre maître brasseur Gabriel, cette bière désaltérante qui déborde de houblons se prend bien en tout temps.

ID: 94190 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 2 years ago

Key Stats









Overall Rank86593
Overall Percentile20.4
Style Rank234 of 1052
Style Percentile77.8
Lowest Score3.0
Highest Score3.0
Average Score3.000
Weighted Score3.000
Standard Deviation0.000

Rating Distribution

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Beer vs Style

1 Member Reviews

  • CHOPZ 7724 reviews
    rated 3.0 2 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 7

    Slightly unfiltered with tiny particles running through the light golden colour. The head is huge, almost white with good retention and leaving some beautiful creamy-bubbly lacing. Herbaceous aromas with some grass, herbs and other freshness. Was expecting lots of dryness in the mouthfeel, but no. I get orange notes in the taste and the hops is milder, but effective. A touch of herbs does linger with all of this. A decent, low-alcohol IPA, but not the one I was expecting from this brewery.

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