Beer Reviews by CYRENAICA

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
876 Whitewater Brewing Class V Canada IPA 3.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

April 23, 2018<br> Real Canadian Superstore #2810 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – 820 Main Street East)<br> 473ml can <br> 5.5% ABV <br> Canned On: September 12, 2017 <br> $2.80<br> The beer pours a hazy copper colour, with a 1” creamy tan coloured head and plenty of effervescence. The aroma is caramel malt, citrus fruit, and pine. A throwback to the IPAs of a decade ago. The mouthfeel is medium bodied, and slightly above average carbonation. The flavour is very well balanced between the grains and caramel malt tones and the citrusy bitterness of the hops. I like this beer and wonder how good it would have been less than 7 months old.

Apr 15, 2022
11:18:13 AM
877 Thornbridge Eldon Oak Infused Imperial Stout United Kingdom Imperial Stout 3.4

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

330ml bottle<br> 8.0% ABV <br> Best Before: June 15, 2019<br>Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 23, 2018<br> $3.65<br> The beer pours a solid black colour with a thin half inch creamy tan coloured head. The aroma is weak oak, wood, and roasted malt, No chocolate and no coffee. The mouthfeel is medium bodied, slightly creamy, and well carbonated. The flavour is roasted malt, some oak, some smoky notes, and anise. The oak flavour lingers, and not in a good way.

Apr 23, 2018
12:00:00 PM
878 Lost Craft Revivale Canada Kölsch 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 4.8% ABV <br> Best Before: May 3, 2018<br> Real Canadian Superstore –Main/Thompson (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 22, 2018<br> $2.67<br> The beer poured a translucent medium gold colour with a generous bubbly white cap which quickly receded to a thin film. The aroma was grainy malt, some musty smells and earthy hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, very crisp, and above average carbonation. The flavour was grainy malt, some yeast flavours, and a spicy hop finish. Easily me favourite beer from the Lost Craft lineup so far.

Apr 22, 2018
12:00:00 PM
879 Sleeping Giant Brewing Northern Logger Canada Kölsch 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 4.9% ABV <br> Canned On: February 20, 2018<br> Real Canadian Superstore –Main/Thompson (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 22, 2018 <br> $2.67<br> The beer pours a translucent light copper colour with golden hues and a huge white head which quickly died. Aromas were cereal malts, weak earthy hops, light citrus, and caramel. The mouthfeel was light to medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour was toasted malt, light caramel, some apricot-ish fruit notes with a slightly bitter finish.

Apr 22, 2018
12:00:00 PM
880 Sleeman Railside Session Ale Canada Mild Ale 2.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can <br> 4.2% Abv <br> Canning Date: April 7, 2018<br> Real Canadian Superstore –Main/Thompson (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 21, 2018 <br> $2.27<br> The beer pours a translucent amber colour with a generous foamy pinkish head which disappears in seconds. The aroma is caramel, grass, and weak floral hops. Not a citrusy note to be noted. The mouthfeel is weak to medium bodied with below average carbonation. Flavour is mild notes of caramel and grass with a weak bitter finish. As the beer is only 14 days from canning, I can’t chalk up the lack of aroma and body to age, only to it being a not so great beer.

Apr 21, 2018
12:00:00 PM
881 Ace Hill Vienna Lager Canada Vienna / Amber Lager 2.6

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

April 20, 2018<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 473ml can<br> 5.0% ABV <br> $3.05<br> The beer pours a translucent red-tinged gold colour with a generous foamy white head which quickly recedes to a thin rocky layer of islands. The aroma is very grainy, some herbal hops, and some off-putting acidic notes. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with slightly above average carbonation. The flavour is grains and some bitter hops but for the most part is very non-descript.

Oct 11, 2022
11:40:54 AM
882 Mill Street Hopped and Confused Canada IPA 2.3

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can <br> 4.7% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 20, 2018 <br> $3.25<br> The beer pours a medium urine yellow colour with a thin white film that stands in for a head. Very hazy and very unappealing to look at. The aroma is light tropical fruit, some grass, and some lemony scents. The mouthfeel is watery with below averahe carbonation. Despite biying this 2 days ago, this could be an old beer based on appearance, aroma and mouthfeel. The flavour is grainy malt, tropical fruits, and a weak bitter finish. I don’t expect Mill Street to make world beating beers, especially now that they are under the Labatt (i.e. Anheuser-Busch-Inbev) umbrella, but I do expect better than this.

Apr 20, 2018
12:00:00 PM
883 Lost Craft Sirius Canada American Pale Ale 3.1

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 4.9% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 20, 2018<br> $3.00<br> The beer pours a hazed caramel amber colour with a generous foamy light tan coloured head that quickly disippates to rocky islamds. The ‘islands’ last awhile. The aroma is tropical fruit, weak caramel, and some biscuit malt tones. The mouthfeel is medium bodies, while carbonation is high. The flavour is very acidic with definite notes of grains and tropical fruit, and with a hint of saltiness. Very weird for the style.

Apr 20, 2018
12:00:00 PM
884 Cowbell Brewing Doc Perdue's Boxing Bruin Canada IPA 2.6

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can<br> 6.3% ABv <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 20, 2018 <br> $3.05<br> The beer pours a hazy medium gold colour with absolutely no head. The aroma was papaya, mango, grass, and some mustiness. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with below average carbonation. The flavour was pretty one dimensional with the grass notes up front and the tropical fruit hop flavours in back. Not a lot of bitterness and not a lot of depth.

Apr 20, 2018
12:00:00 PM
885 Oskar Blues Ten FIDY United States Imperial Stout 4.5

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

355ml can<br> 10.5% ABV (as marked on can) <br> Canned On: October 23, 2017<br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 17, 2018<br> $4.75<br> The beer pours a solid black colour and a vigourous pour created a bubbly 1” head that receded to a thin film within a couple of minutes. The aroma is roasted malt, smoked malt, soy sauce, and dark chocolate. The mouthfeel is full bodied, well carbonated, and very creamy. The flavour is roasted malt, dark chocolate, and peppery spice. Maybe even a hint of coffee. The beer came with quite a reputation and it lives up to it. An excellent beer.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
886 St. Feuillien Cuvee de Noel Belgium Belgian Strong Ale 3.7

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

330ml bottle <br> 9.0% ABV <br> Best Before: September 11, 2019<br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 17, 2018<br> $3.95<br> The beer pours a slightlu hazy golden red colour with a bubbly pinkish head which quickly recedes to a lacing. The aroma is berries, spices, caramel malt, and weak hops. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is dominated by Belgian yeasty notes, some caramel, some weak hops, and grainy malts. The beer does not taste as good as it smells, but still tastes pretty good.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
887 CREW Republic Roundhouse Kick Germany Imperial Stout 4.2

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

330ml bottle <br> 9.2% ABv <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 16, 2018<br> $3.70<br> The beer poured a coca-cola brown colour with a very thin bubbly brown head which did not last. The aroma was roasted malt, some licorice, and soy sauce notes. The mouthfeel is full bodied, creamy, and good carbonation. The flavour is roasted malt, dark chocolate, and dark fruits. It tastes better than it smells.

Apr 16, 2018
12:00:00 PM
888 To Øl Black Ball Denmark Imperial Porter 3.6

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

500ml can <br> 8.0% ABV <br> Best Before: July 4, 2018<br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> April 15, 2018 <br> $4.95<br> The beer pours a solid black colour with a foamy brown head which takes a couple of minutes to recede into a thin lacing on top which lasts a while. The aroma is roasted malt, some licorice, and some dark chocolate notes. The mouthfeel is medium bodied, slightly creamy, and highly carbonated for a porter. The flavour is dominated by roasted malt flavours, some smoky flavour, and a slightly sour aftertaste of weak rubber.

Apr 15, 2018
12:00:00 PM
889 Molson John H. R. Molson & Bros. 1908 Historic Pale Ale Canada American Pale Ale 3.6

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

341ml bottle <br> 6.8% ABV <br> Milton Millside Street Beer Store (Milton, Ontario, Canada)<br> April 5, 2016<br> $1.83<br> The beer poured a light golden-red colour with some haze and and a creamy off-white head which lingered a while. The aroma was cereal malt, some light spice, yeast, and floral hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour was malt-forward with bready notes, but the finish had a more definied hop presence than any other Molson beer I've tried.

Apr 9, 2018
12:00:00 PM
890 Bell City Edison’s Peepshow Canada IPA 2.7

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can <br> 6.5% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 15, 2017 <br> $3.15<br> The beer pours a hazed orange gold colour with a rocky tan coloured head which recedes to little island formations. Aroma is fruity hops, a little citrus, and grainy malts. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is hard to describe, a jolt of soapy bitterness up front and nothing in behind. Not worth another try.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
891 Black Bellows White Ale Canada Witbier 3.5

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 2, 2017 <br> $3.25<br> The beer pours a clouded dark gold colour with a generous bubbly white head which doesn’t last very long. The aroma is light spices, citrus, yeast, and wheat. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation….more full than most witbiers. The flavour is wheat, spices, almost peppery spices, yeast, and citrus. This is the best Ontario witbier I have had in a while.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
892 Bobcaygeon Common Loon APA Canada American Pale Ale 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 4.6% ABV <br> Main/Thompson LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 7, 2017 <br> $2.95<br> The beer pours a slightly hazed translucent gold colour with a fluffy white head which quickly backs down to being a thin film. The aroma is grainy malts, weak hops, and yeast. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is biscuit malt, and weak non-descript hops. There is nothing bad about this beer, but at the same time there is nothing about this beer that stands out.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
893 Boshkung Brewing 35 & 118 Canada Cream Ale 3.1

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> Real Canadian Superstore –Main/Thompson (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 15, 2017 <br> $2.62<br> The beer pours a translucent orange gold colour with a minimal head. What head that was there, was white. The aroma was grainy malt, and weak earthy hops. Aroma was not the beer’s strong point. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour was slightly sweet with grainly malt up front and with a mild bitter finish.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
894 Broadhead Dark Horse Stout Canada Oatmeal Stout 3.5

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 5.5% ABV <br> Real Canadian Superstore (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 13, 2017 <br> $2.62<br> The beer pours a solid black colour with a generous creamy tan coloured head that sticks around a little while. The aroma is roasted malt, hints of nuts, light vanilla and weak coffee. The mouthfeel is medium bodied, quite creamy, with average carbonation. The flavour is roasted malts, coffee, and sweet candy note in the mix. Not bad

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
895 Flying Monkeys Mythology Canadian Golden Pilsner Canada Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 5.3% ABV <br> Main/Thompson LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 8, 2017 <br> $3.10<br> The beer pours a translucent dark metallic gold colour with a thin white foamy head which quickly dissipates to a partial film. The aroma is grassy malt, weak herbal hops, and yeast. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is grainy malt with a touch of sweetness, and a weak bitter hop finish.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
896 Great Lakes Brewery Tank Ten Series: Sunnyside Session IPA Canada IPA 3.5

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 3.9% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 2, 2017 <br> $2.80<br> The beer pours a slightly hazed medium gold with a large fluffy white head that quickly disappears. The aroma is stong on tropical fruit, some grapefruit, and a cereal malt backbone. The mouthfeel is light to medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is dominated by the citrus and tropical hop notes, with a muted bitterness. This would be a very sessionable IPA

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
897 Henderson Brewing Henderson's Best Canada Extra Special Bitter 3.2

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 5.4% ABV <br> Main/Thompson LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 7, 2017 <br> $3.05<br> The beer pours a clear crimson colour with a half inch creamy light brown head which takes a minute to reduce to a lacy film on top. The aroma is grainy malt, weak roasted malt, light caramel, and some noble hop notes. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is bready malts with a weak hop bitterness in the finish. Nothing offensive in the aroma or flavour but nothing that says ‘try me again’

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
898 Beersel Oude Geuze Belgium Gueuze 4.1

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

375ml bottle <br> 6.5% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 2, 2017 <br> $7.15<br> The beer pours a hazy straw colour with a generous off-white head that lasts a while. The aroma is sour grains, wood, some tart fruity notes, and yeast. The mouthfeel is very light bodied, and highly effervescent, very a propos for the style. The flavour has white wine characteristics with a light fruit tartness. It is a very good lambic

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
899 Pint Pursuits Lord Of Lupulin Pale Ale Canada American Pale Ale 3.2

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 5.4% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 7, 2017 <br> $2.95<br> The beer pours a hazed golden red with a generous white head that lingers a while and plenty of effervescence in the glass. The aroma is grapefruit, pine, light caramel, and yeast. The aroma is quite boring to be honest. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with slightly above average carbonation. The flavour is decently hop forward with the citrusy hops in front, the malt is more biscuity in the flavour. There is a dishsoap note in the finish which takes away from the hops.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM
900 Radical Road Slingshot California Common Canada California Common / Steam 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> Main/Thompson LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 5, 2017 <br> $2.85<br> The beer pours a semi-translucent orange-red colour with a generous light tan coloured rocky head that lingers a while. The aroma is light wisps of caramel, cereals, weak citrus, and light yeast notes. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with a slight creaminess and average carbonation. The flavour is caramel and cereal malts, with a hint of graperuity hops in the finish. Not a bad beer at all.

Apr 3, 2018
12:00:00 PM