Profile of palliko

Profile of palliko






45 beer caps
Joined 20 years ago
From CO, United States
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PhD. Teacher.

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  • Paulaner Hefeweizen
    rated 1.5 20 years ago

    Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

    I just finished reading all of the reviews. Because I just finished my second bottle of this "natural wheat" hefe. I too was expecting more of this beer. After the buildup, it was a major disappointment. Yes, everyone else raved about it. Yes, I am comitting sacrilege by saying something negative. But I must point out that FOR ME, it was not a satisfying experience. For a hefe weizen, the bitterness, and the lack of drinkability was amazing. Definitely not smoooth. I have reading several sites raving about how it tasted like: Lemon. Banana. Clove. Bubblegum (?) Bread. Orange. Wheat. Grass-like. Pepper. Malt. Acerbic. Phenols. Yeast. Everyone kept saying "drink this beer if you want to know what a hefe is SUPPOSED to taste like." WHY has no one mentioned that IT TASTES LIKE SOMEONE ADDED A FEW DROPS OF TURPENTINE?! I distinctly taste pine! Is that normal for a Hefe? Sorry, guys! but this beer is nasty.

  • Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10

    What a wonderful, wonderful beer! I love the coppery color, citrus nose, good lacing, mellow mouthfeel, delicious NW hops, medium malt middle and grapefruit aftertaste. The waiter at our local Old Chicago Pizza recommended it from among the 110+ beers they serve, and I was not disappointed! Just the right amount of everything - goes great with food. It compares very well with my long time favorite Bridgeport IPA.

  • Firehouse Chukkar Ale
    rated 4.7 20 years ago

    Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10

    If you are ever in Rapid City, SD, you must try this beer. The aroma is delicious. The flavor profile is delicate. The mouthfeel due to the steady, well-balanced carbonation adds to its overall drinkability. The beer pours a translucent light golden-red color. The head, purposeful in size, leaves a decent off white residual lace as a fine cover upon the glass. The first thing you sense is a very mild and pleasant apricot-peach in the nose. Not a hint of astringence. Crisp and clean with the start just the right amount of sweet, lots of malt, the top well-balanced in feel. Finish is perfect: the hops are subtle in their spicy bite, with no unpleasant aftertaste. Malt sweetness is mostly derived from residual sugars due to the meager hop bitterness. Finishes light, crisp and clean - perfect with food. A unique experience. Your palate is graced with a number of complex flavors at first, and the joy is sorting them out and identifying: spicy yet sweet hops, with just a hint of clean tartness; a gentle undertow of soft malts to give it a full bodied English Pale Ale balance. Yeast adds a little to the body and beautifully tempers the experience. There is no alcohol taste. An initial simplicity upfront is ensued by sweet malt, then tapers quickly. Exquisitely crafted. Would to heaven someone with a lot of money will begin bottling Chukkar Pale Ale! There is nothing close to it in my area. Without sounding tendentious, (I own no stock in Firehouse Brewery!) this is the best beer I have tasted in 33 years of tasting. Period.

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