Profile of shrews824

Profile of shrews824






3476 beer caps
Joined 13 years ago
From Leitchfield, KY, United States
Last seen drinking Nothing!

I have been drinking craftbeer for just over 3 1/2 years. My eyes were opened after my first sip of "good beer." I never knew what I was missing and I have never looked back. I love experimenting with all beers. Love the look and obviously the taste of a well made beer. I respect all beer and will give each brew a fair review. I also just enjoy talking, reading and learning as much as possible about great craftbrews. On a personal level, I love music and playing my guitar, the great state of Kentucky, the Cincinnati Reds and the Louisville Cardinals. Been happily married for almost 5 years. Feel free to send me a message. I will gladly respond.

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  • Flying Dog Wild Dog Double Pale Ale
    rated 4.1 13 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    This beer had a clear, dark, burnt orange/copper color. An off white head of decent size and retention. Smooth looking, but did leave a few large bubbles around the spot of the pour. (I poured straight down the middle). Some pretty good lacing left behind. A nice fragrance of hops. Grapefruit citrus. Somewhat restrained, but still nice. More malty than citrusy from most other "double's." Caramel and toasty biscuit. Balanced well. Small churned butter note. Minute fragrance of alcohol at first, but picked up considerably as I went along. The malt and hops are balanced well in the taste. Again more malt than what I was expecting, but that's ok, it's still godd. A substantial burn at the back from the alcohol. Some piny notes. Grapefruit. Resinous. I don't taste the alcohol, only feel it. Caramel and toastiness abound, however it wasn't real sweet. Medium/full, creamy, slick mouthfeel. Velvety almost. Tons of flavor left on the palate. Feels good. Almost chewy. Nice burn that lasts the duration. I liked this beer. Very good in all aspects. Great mouthfeel. A "BIG" beer that may be a bit strong for some. Tremendous alcohol burn. High ABV would make the drinkability not so high.

  • North Coast Scrimshaw Pils
    rated 3.4 13 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    Hazy. Yellow/gold, honey color. Very small bright white head. Little retention and only a small bit of lacing. I was a little disappointed. A few piny hop notes in the nose. Earthy with some butter hints. A touch of grain. Similar to a wheat beer. Smells a bit yeasty. Notes of lemon citrus. The taste revealed a nice bit of bitterness. The yeasty tones come through strong. Some toast. Slight bit of lemon citrus. Thirst quenching. After a few minutes, the lemon becomes more prevalent and defines the taste. Somewhat sour. Medium/light mouthfeel. Crisp, refreshing. Nicely dry. Leaves plenty of flavor on the palate. Smooth. This is a solid Pilsner. Not a straight forwar Pilsner. Has a lot of wheat beer characteristics only without the heavy spiciness. A certain refresher for hot days in Summer. Easily drinkable. Got a little too sweet and sour for me after a bit, but still ok. Almost like I was sucking on a lemon drop.

  • Three Floyds Dreadnaught Imperial IPA
    rated 4.4 13 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

    This beer had a semi-clear bright orangish/peach color. A medium white head that was none too large. Had average retention and even better lacing. Several small bubbles rising from the bottom. The head was comprised of very small bubbles. The head settled to an inconsistent patchy film. The aroma was tangerine, grapefruit and peach notes. Very well balanced. Strong hop presence. Smells fresh, resinous and correct. Perfumy. A minor miniscule alcohol tone. Smells sweet. Pronounced hop bitterness in the taste with the tangerine and grapefruit. Sweet. A conspicuous alcohol warmth that was very welcoming and satisfactory. A bit of a bready malt in the taste as it warmed. Fresh. Very well balanced. Clean tasting. Only a touch of caramel. Medium mouthfeel. Sticky, smooth and crisp. Tons left on the palate. Very, very dry. Medium carbonation. Smooth alcohol warmth. A great brew. Super easy to drink. Could be drunk year round. Thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely one I will pick up again. Could make a night of this with ease. Almost quaffable.

  • Stone Lukcy Basartd Ale
    rated 4.0 13 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Cloudy to mostly clear brown/amber, dark apple juice color. Small burnt orange highlights at the bottom. Off white head with nice size and retention. Combination of both large and small bubbles. Some pretty good lacing. The aroma was caramel malt with some prominent earthy tones. Wheat bread type aromas. Semi-sweet smelling, but the darker malt handcuffs the sweetness. No alcohol in the smell, but I did detect a woody tone. Maybe a slight bit of pine, but not much. Deep whiffs revealed a rubbing alcohol note. The taste brought out a toasty bread flavor with more of the earthy tones. An alcohol warmth seemed to linger for a moment. Minor amounts of bitterness on the tongue. The taste becomes more earthy and woody as it warms and the flavors become more tame and refined. The hop bitterness comes in more as it warms. Medium mouthfeel. Dry and smooth and mostly slick. Medium/light carbonation. Leaves plenty of flavor on the palaste and also a touch of warmth at the backend. Well, this is still a good beer by Stone, don't get me wrong, but they brew others that I find more enjoyable. I did enjoy this and would never turn it down if it was offered, but it's just not my preferable style I guess. With that being said, its easily drinkable and worth a try for sure. It has enough complexity to make for an excellent conversation piece. I did start to enjoy this more as I went along.

  • Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

    This beer poured a light brown/burgundy/amber color. It kind of even has some purple tints. An off white, creamy, luscious looking head with very nice size and some real nice lacing. The head settled to a near perfect film across the top that lasted the duration of the beer. The aroma was more of a subtle grapefruit citrus at first with a very slight sweet grape tone. A very minor hint of booze. Smells sweet and balanced. A bit piny and resiny. Hints of sweet caramel. Smells floral and fresh. A very subtle woody tone. A touch of Bourbon hides in the back. The taste brought out a very prevalent grapefruit citrus and bitterness. Wonderfull!!! A welcome deep warmth, however the alcohol "taste" was barely detected. A bit of a woody tone comes through in the taste. It's balanced superbly and the complexity is outstanding. A perfect amount of hop bite. Medium mouthfeel. Crisp, dry, smooth. Plenty of flavor left on the palate begging for another sip. Carbonation was near perfect. Coats the throat and roof of the mouth evenly and delectable. What a beer. Superb in several categories. Easily drinkable. I should have picked up two bottles. As the beer warmed, the aromas and flavor started to become more defined and pronounced.

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