worth the time and effort
General Beer Discussion by BRADPEAR
When I first came to this site, I listed the url of All of the reviews are in Deutsch, and poetic Deutsch at that, so I use the following translator: The translator only takes 500 characters at a time, so be warned. The bier link is: These folks wrote a book about brew that covered Deutschland and beyond, and they told it like they drunk it! Did that cause some up roar!!! Go to stolpersteine (stumbling stones) and check out the reviews using the translator. It is a howl! I give them a 90% on brews they like and dislike, we have similar taste and humor. Take some time to run a few pages by, will make for thirst. One item: They have "helpers" from all over the globe feeding brew to the site. Good work if you can get it! Contact them at the email link, you will get a reply. This message was edited by Brad Pear at 4/1/2005 9:55:16 AM.
19 years ago
In Reply To #1 Brad, believe it or not I saved beertest and two other sites you recommended months ago to my favorites and have referred to them time and again. I lived in Bavaria for 2 years and I know that the brewing scene really emphasizes high quality products for local markets. As a result, there are many outstanding beers that never reach the global market and are largely unknown here in the new world. So sites like beertest help give me broader exposure to beer culture. Another reason for checking in with beertest is to read wildly divergent reviews of popular American beers. It's interesting to get the Eurobrewer's perspective of American beers like Old Rasputin, for example. There are many translator sites out there, and they are getting better all the time. I checked out paralink today; it seems pretty good. It did not translate stolpersteine for me, but neither did Babel Fish. Anyway, thanks for promoting the Old World perspective.