Why can't I add a beer to Grupo Modelo?
General Beer Discussion by CYBERCAT
I have tried several times to add a beer to Grupo Modelo, but when I fill in the new beer page and click "Submit" I get a blank add beer page. The beer I am trying to add doesn't show up!
1 year ago
# 1
# 1
I'm trying to add another beer to Bømmeløen Bryggerhus now, I get the message that the name (Bømmeløen Frøya) is taken, but it is not. I know that BeerPal has trouble with non-English letters, but this is getting slightly annoying. Before adding the brewery, I tried to search just for "Bryggerhus" (to avoid Norwegian letters), and also searched for "Bommeloen", in case I had added the brewery before, without remembering, but to no avail.
1 year ago
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