Unable to add new Brewery
Website Comments by RICHSBEER
i've tried several times to add a new brewery, after i complete page 2 with the info i have i hit save and it takes me to a new blank page 2 form and doesn't save my data. is there a problem or am i doing something wrong?
3 years ago
ok still haven't heard anything on this so will keep trying and hope someone at somepoint will answer.
i also tried adding these on my apple laptop which didn't help. One one case it maybe due to possible dup of brewing of same name but different state.
anyhow here are the 2 breweries that i can not add. Galena and Temperance Row.
The site is still a work in progress, and doesn't work the same from day to day unfortunately. There is still a lot of work to be done to both the beer and brewery database.
While I haven't had the specific issue you describe, I have had several other issues that are here one day, gone the next.
So, for Galena, there is another Galena Brewing Company in Illinois. The Beerpal database does not allow duplicate names so call it 'Galena Brewing Company (Ohio)'
As for Temperance Row / Temperence Row, I see nothing in the database that should conflict with that.