Old photos to be uploaded
Website Comments by FLASHPRO
I'm trying to sort out all of the original photos from the previous BeerPal website. It's tedious because I had to merge files from 3 different locations and weed out the duplicates. The filenames start with the ID of the beer in the database. The current website doesn't make it easy to find a beer profile by the ID (this is done on purpose) so I created a temporary page to make it easier.
Go to where "123" should be the ID of the beer. That page shows the existing photos of that beer and there's a button to upload a new one.
3 years ago
Download the first 1000 beers here
The above link is a zip files of the first 1000 beers' photos. That's all I've managed to go through so far.
Forget about what I said above. I figured out a way to automate it!
It took me all night to get the stupid files to work correctly. So frutrating because I thought it worked but clicking on a thumbnail didn't show the full size image. Now they're good to go, but I still need to weed out all of the bad files.
@cyrenaica Yes, that's part of what I mean. There are already two of most photos because I had them saved in two different places in slightly different formats over the years. If identical photos were uploaded in the past, then I find 3 or 4 of them! So hopefully there are no more duplicates after this process. There's also an easy way for me to delete photos even after they show up on the live website.