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Seasonal splurge leads to a good-but-trivial discovery.

Non-Beer Discussion by KENDO_SURF

Cold-Snow-Covid make for a kinda boring everyday, do they not?

I haven't purchased tequila for years, and it's been quite a long time since I last visited the local liquor store.

Shopping the mid-range...not the tippy-toes-top-shelf or the scrunch-down-in-the narrow-aisle-bottom-shelf...cost me over 80 bucks with tax for just three bottles. And only one of them was a full 1L !!!  :o

Better stop now and do a second post, so I don't get timed out.

3 years ago
# 1
# 1

I gots a blue bottle of an old favorite, Milagro Silver...a 1L of Hornitos Plata, and a Redemption High Rye Bourbon.

Did some of the usual salt/wedge of citrus shots with the Milagro, but wasn't too pleased with that using Hornitos. No particular mixers on hand, so I got a bottle of humble reconstituted lemon juice. Wasn't in the mood for extensive shopping,ok?  :D

3 years ago
# 2
# 2

I suggest a regular 8-10 oz coffee cup. Heat ~ 6 oz of water for less than a minute. Add a generous dash of lemon juice and a generous shot of Hornitos. The Hornitos and the lemon juice are a perfect blend! Whodathunkit.  ;)

Simple, easy, good for a day like today.

3 years ago
# 3
# 3

The cheapest tequila I've ever bought...and it's GOOD!

Next reply please...not sure if Flash fixed the timed out thing...

3 years ago
# 4
# 4

$10.49 bt for a liter, minus the hat...and it's a typical round bottle.

I'm using salt and a bottle of reconstituted lemon juice, and a bottle of reconstituted lime juice along with. But, I actually can drink this as a sippin' tequila.  :)

3 years ago
# 5
# 5

100% agave is sharper and drier than El Toro. If you want to go shots-crazy on a Saturday night, you should use a 100% agave tequila.

3 years ago
# 6
# 6

El Toro Silver is rounder and slighty sweeter, due to the adulteration of cane sugar liquors and possibly others.

3 years ago
# 7
# 7

Tastes just fine, but could give you a hella hangover...more so than a purer 100% agave product would!

Ok then...y'all be good out there!

3 years ago
# 8
# 8

I've only drank Silver and a few Reposados. Never the really pricey stuff. Here's Tequila 101.

3 years ago
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