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Website Requests for Improvement

Website Comments by FLASHPRO

Please list all of your wish list items for the website in this topic. These should be requests for improvements or extra features. If you find bugs, please put them in the Website Bugs topic.

4 years ago
# 2.2
# 2.2

@Flashpro And now I'm seeing how annoying it is that line breaks don't work in these little replies LOL

4 years ago
# 2.3
# 2.3

@Flashpro Review window is fine, I was trying to enlarge the whole window. Being able to enlarge just the listbox itself is fine for me. I wasn't looking at that corner originally

4 years ago
# 2.4
# 2.4

@cyrenaica I see what you're saying now. I was actually thinking of changing that pop anyway, which is a Bootstrap Modal. I started getting away from using those more recently, and might change the entire site to get rid of Bootstrap eventually. If I go with a custom popup, I can tweak the sizes and scroller better. But at least it works on mobile! I know you don't care, but it was nearly impossible to review a beer with a phone before!

4 years ago
# 2.5
# 2.5

@cyrenaica Check out a brewery page and you'll see a gold star next to the name of any beer you've reviewed

editing this reply to say I also added a popover that says "You rated this" when you put the cursor over the star.

4 years ago
# 2.6
# 2.6

@Flashpro Could you make it a solid gold star? Us colour blind people can't always see gold outlines on a white background

4 years ago
# 2.7
# 2.7

@cyrenaica I wanted a solid star but didn't have an icon for one, other than the one at the top of the page that needs to get removed because it uses a big file library. Did some more searching and found one and changed the color because gold was still too light. I'm color blind too, so hopefully it helps haha. The color for the star doesn't stand out too much to me compared to the beer name, but I didn't want it to.

4 years ago
# 2.8
# 2.8

@Flashpro The current dark coloured solid star is perfect for me to see which beers I've already tried.

4 years ago
# 2.9
# 2.9

@cyrenaica Great. I also put the same star next to the title of the beer on the beer profile page

4 years ago
# 2.10
# 2.10

@Flashpro Saw it there as well. Far better than the gold star and the previous checkmark in my opinion. It looks fashionable too.

4 years ago
# 3
# 3


Another idea I have is being able to see a list of your beer profile viewing history.

What I mean by this is you can see a list of every beer you've looked at, in chronological order starting from the most recent. Not since forever, but maybe the last 100 or so.

I'd put a link to it in the drop down menu of your username. I think there are cases where it would be convenient to be able to go back to a beer you know you looked at not too long ago, but can't remember, or just too lazy to search for it again!

4 years ago
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