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Search feature appears not 2 b working

Website Comments by RICHSBEER

When u click on search feature on iPad & iPhone instead of keyboard appearing the search box disappears

4 years ago
# 1
# 1


Oh crap. It works on my iPhone 10. So are you unable to search at all?

When I click on search, a black input box stretches across the entire top of the page and the keyboard pops up.

4 years ago
# 1.1
# 1.1

@Flashpro Ok works on iPhone but not pad. It’s iPad Air2, uploading 14.01 and will try again

4 years ago
# 1.2
# 1.2

@richsbeer Thanks, that helps. I have an idea of what may be wrong. I'm aware of an issue for the entire site where I don't have the layout displaying properly for mid size screens, which is mainly tables like iPads. I bet there is missing html code for the search feature on screen sizes between small and large.

4 years ago
# 1.3
# 1.3

@Flashpro Finished latest software update, that didn’t help. Let me know when u think u fixed & I can test 4 u.

4 years ago
# 1.4
# 1.4

@richsbeer I was right. The search box for the medium size screen was missing! I'll have the code updated in a little bit. I'm trying to make another fix at the moment that's limiting search results

4 years ago
# 2
# 2


Yours doesn't look like that? I'm just excited to be able to put an image in a forum post

4 years ago
# 3
# 3


It should work now.

I also improved the search results. Before it would check for any beers that started with your search term. If it found no results, it would then search for beers that contained your search term in the inside of the beer name. The problem was that sometimes it would limit the results to as little as one item. 


You search for "Double Ale" while trying to find Allagash Double Ale. As you begin typing, and get to "Double A" it will only show "Double Arrow" in the results, even though there are plenty of other matches like Allagash Double Ale, ....Double American, ...Double Axe, etc. Now you'll see all of them as you type!

4 years ago
# 4
# 4

Confirm it's working 👍🏻🎉

4 years ago
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