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Magic Hat IPA Playlist Can Variety 15-pak

General Beer Discussion by KENDOSURF

Here's another example of a local quirk. This package is one of numerous Magic Hat Playlists, but I can't find it online. Same story sometimes with other variety packs from other brewers. We must be special! :) These are the beers: TFG - PEELED & NAKED - CHILLSWITCH - WANDERING BUT NOT LOST - MR. SOUL. Purchased hesitantly...on sale, but I'm not an IPA enthusiast. Hoped maybe one or two would be OK with me? Tried 'em in the order above, which is the lineup on the carton. Four stars each for the first four, and Mr. Soul gets 3! BA and I are in close agreement across the board. ;) IMO none of these are harsh or too bitter. They are distinct, flavorful, and easy drinking. Sure, I'd buy a wall of Erlanger American style lager if it returned to market. But as a Lager fan, I'm well-impressed with this IPA offering. Good job, Magic Hat!

4 years ago
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I should mention...IPA brews are best at room temp imo. Must be my English heritage! One or two from this pack were drank cold. Not thrilled. Many macros especially, but beers overall, are best served cold. Onwards, beerpals! :)

4 years ago
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Room temp? I don't need them cold, but I don't know about that warm!

4 years ago
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Extra Gold Lager is an exception. A macro that is easy drinking cold, slightly chilled, or even room temp. Many macros are best consumed really cold. In some cases, that's the ONLY way they can be drank (or as some would say, even TOLERATED). Craft beers can be dicey too. Generally, I think Craft & Craftys shouldn't be dependent upon COLDNESS to be drinkable...?

4 years ago
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I thought perfect IPA temp was 10C/50F? Not warm.......but not cold. The only beer I drink "cold" is Molson Canadian

4 years ago
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I'm mostly a Forums dude rather than a Beer Reviewer. Much more posting gets done in the Reviews. Overall, traffic has been very slow here for a long time. We'd all like to see more Reviews and Forums participation, I'm sure. :(

4 years ago
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