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Data Breach

Website Comments by CYRENAICA

Did beerpal have a data breach? I have received emails from chrome each f the last two days, on 2 different PCs that the site was a victim of a data breach and that I should change my password. I'd rather no. 13 years with the same password is better than most marriages these days!

4 years ago
# 7
# 7


Last week I was assigned a night shift task for 2 weeks. I was pissed at first, working 5pm-5am, but it sure does help with the social distancing! I normally work with over 1000 people at the site, but at night I'm stuck with only 3 others at the facility LOL. I work at a Pharmaceutical plant that's mostly finished with construction but not yet in production. At least it's pretty clean!

4 years ago
# 8
# 8

I realize that CoronaVirus is a genuine health concern, especially for the many elderly with underlying health issues, in this building. But it all seems to be at a level of near-hysteria. I work part-time helping the maintenance staff. My main responsibility now is sanitizing and disinfecting the public areas. Today, most social events were cancelled by the manager for the weeks ahead. We are not to allow anyone from outside, except medical staff, personal aides, etc. In this county, there have been NO reports of CoronaVirus...yet. I'm not worried about myself. I'm young and healthy for my age. I don't want to become a symptom-free carrier that could spread the virus to suseptible people. Really, I think the chance of that happening is VERY LOW at this time. I'm compelled to keep track of the ongoing situation, in spite of my view that it's overdone. and similar sites are checked by me regularly. Hope a vaccine/treatment/cure will be available SOON!

4 years ago
# 9
# 9



A bottle share that I had hoped to attend got cancelled. Break, break my heart! However, I understand the organizer's reasoning. With any luck we'll be on for next month. In the meantime, I am supporting my local breweries, which are having curbside pickup.

4 years ago
# 10
# 10

Good Evening All, There's a ton of conspiracy theories about many historical events, correct? That does not prove that all conspiracy theories are wrong, or right. Oswald, as a single gunman, shot Kennedy? 9/11 was committed by Islamic terrorists wielding box cutters, who couldn't even fly a tiny private airplane competently? Live animals, maybe somewhere in China, caused CoronaVirus to infect the globe? Suggested possibilities (from many sources; not my own creations): Oswald was a patsy. 9/11 was a test of diverse weapons technologies on the people of NYC. COVID-19 is a bio-weapons test on a worldwide population. Surely no governments or individuals would be evil enough to perpetrate such atrocities on an unsuspecting public !!! Would they? L8r, KendoSurf

4 years ago
# 11
# 11

BE CAREFUL OUT THERE !!! Lots of people exist in a state of panic right now, even as they are driving. In the last few days, 1) I almost got run over crossing the street. 2) At a speed limit sign, I slowed down. Car behind swooped around me on the left, swooped around the car in front of me on the right, and turned onto 81 ramp. They may not even realize what they're doing... WATCH OUT !!!

4 years ago
# 12
# 12

Due to COVID-19 Concerns: Howdy, Brett will be speaking today @ 4:00 PM. For most, here's the phone info: 1-929-205-6099 ID 984 745 1675 You can use Zoom if you have it on your PC. Overall: > Jeremy Ryder is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. > > Topic: Zoom Meeting Rehersal > Time: Apr 4, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) > > Join Zoom Meeting > > > Meeting ID: 984 745 1675 > > One tap mobile > +19292056099,,9847451675# US (New York) > +13126266799,,9847451675# US (Chicago) > > Dial by your location > +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) strictly audio with telephone or Cell > +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) > +1 301 715 8592 US strictly audio with telephone or Cell > +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) > +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) > +1 253 215 8782 US > Meeting ID: 984 745 1675 > Find your local number:

4 years ago
# 13
# 13

Above. Brett is the Pastor of Pulaski Baptist Church. All churches here and many around the country are CLOSED. He wants to reach out via Electronic Media. Kudos to Brett!

4 years ago
# 14
# 14

For those who wish to join us tomorrow for worship service via internet ZOOM app. Here are the details to join in. From: To:,, Sent: 4/4/2020 17:04:46 Eastern Standard Time Subject: Topic: PBC Service Time: Apr 5, 2020 09:50 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 984 745 1675 Password: 070249 One tap mobile +19292056099,,9847451675# US (New York) +13126266799,,9847451675# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US Meeting ID: 984 745 1675 Password: 070249 Find your local number:

4 years ago
# 15
# 15

State Alcohol Laws and CoronaVirus Pandemic.

4 years ago
# 16
# 16

It may be that more and more will come to light as investigations proceed... Remember how the Watergate plumbers trail slowly led to the Oval Office? IMO the Trump Admin is not the culprit, but who is ?!?

4 years ago
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