Founders Green Zebra.
General Beer Discussion by KENDOSURF
At last! I have actually sampled a brew in the Sour Beer category, and I like it. :) Gose Ale with watermelon and sea salt. Gose beers don't comply with the Reinheitsgebot but are exempt as a reginal specialty. Wiki done lernt me that Gose is pronounced kinda like GO-suh rather than Goess, which is a common American mispronumciation. This probably won't be your session beverage of choice on the back porch on a 95F humid day. It's like a SwwetTart made of high quality that an oxymoron? :D Easily gets a Very Good (****). Better for sipping than chugging. Only $14.99 bt&d for a 15 pack...I could easily be persuaded to buy this again. ;)
5 years ago
Bought my second pack today, then saw PACKAGED ON 04/09/19. Probably from the same shipment as the last one I bought? Not too many Founders or other craft brew fans around here, I guess. It's fine! I've heard of bottle-conditioned before, but can-conditioned? :)