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BCS 2018

General Beer Discussion by HEYBEERMAN

What’s everybody think about this years version? Seemed a bit thick and less bourbony to me...

6 years ago
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Haven't seen it yet, but definitely going to grab one if I do.

6 years ago
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Goose Island Bourbon County? If so had it on tap, found it exceptional this year. Great bourbon presence, and agree the body and flavor profile came off as more pronounced. Always a well crafted offering, and one of the best in it's class.

6 years ago
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We definitely need a separate category for Gose. I plead guilty to the charge of adding Goses to the Gueze category. Recently I started adding Goses to "Unblended Lambic" as that seems to be the closest to what they truly are.

4 years ago
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Cybercat, there is 0% resemblance between a gose and lambic of any type. Lambic are spontaneously fermenting, goses are not, plus the term 'lambic' has the same protections around the world as 'champagne' does. There was a movement on both Ratebeer and Beerpal about a decade ago to rid their systems of non-Belgian lambics, something that Ratebeer did very well but there are still some listed on Beerpal. Currently, none of the styles on beerpal are close to what a gose or a gratzer are, They should be given their own style, and given their proliferation in North America over the last decade, they deserve their own style. I agree with the original poster though, a gose is an ale for now until this site fixes that.

4 years ago
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I'll add Gose to the styles list when I have time.

4 years ago
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