The Dark Side
Website Comments by OIZNOP
Hia fellow beerpals!....I realize I have not done an article for a while, but that will soon change.....My next creation will be for the Dark Side Series, for Old Dominion Oak Barrel Stout... So stay tuned!....I have been really dry with regard to topics to write about, so if there are any suggestions, be they for the Dark Side series or just plain old beer related articles, let me know...I am open to other people's ideas!.......CU on-line.. Oiz
19 years ago
In Reply To #1 We're all craving for another dark side article. Old Dominion sounds good. By the way, I sent you a beerpal message last month about your articles being on the site again and you haven't read it yet! Do you plan on ignoring your messages forever? ;)
In Reply To #2 Dark Side article submitted....All is good....I want to do another big article, but I am dry for subject material.....I am gonna have to do some brain storming....Beer and Travel or a World Beer Tour or something....Monastic Beers maybe???.....(let us pray!)...Belgians?......and I responded to your e-mail from the site. here....forgive me, Flash...I have not been logging on as much as I would like to lately.....:D...........CUL Oiz
In Reply To #5 1554 is a black ale that was brewed to a traditional Belgian recipe. It's very reminiscent of a schwarzbier, but has an unusual sweetness to it. That's the extent of my knowledge on the subject, good luck uncovering anything else. If you decide to write an article on it, might want to give New Belgium Brewing a call and see if they'll divulge any secrets on the history of it. Don't forget to tell them it's for, home of the greatest beer community in the world. :)
In Reply To #5 It is a very old style, and Cottrell basically told you everything I know about it - and that the reason for the recommendation! I'd like to learn more about it. To call the style elusive may be an understatement. (<- There's your first (thesis) sentence... this beer stuff writes itself). :)