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First contest coming soon

Website Comments by ADMIN

The first contest is tentatively set for the week of March 15th. It will be based on a set of around 25 trivia questions plus a tie-breaker. Participants must be registered users and you'll get only one try. The prize will be: RUNNING PRESS POCKET GUIDE TO BEER, SEVENTH EDITION: The Connoisseur's Companion to More than 2,000 Beers of the World by Michael Jackson It will be shipped free of charge, right to your door, from! If you already have the book or don't want it, tough luck!

20 years ago
# 7
# 7


OK, this whole trivia thing turned out a lot more complicated than I thought. Had to make a whole bunch of pages to get it to work correctly. It's working now, but I want to make it more official and clean it up a bit. I expect to start the contest sometime tomorrow!

20 years ago
# 8
# 8



I am so excited. But I know that it is without merit. Is there an award for doing badly but trying very hard?

20 years ago
# 9
# 9



CONTEST IS READY! I'll officially announce it on the site later tonight, but for now you can try at:

20 years ago
# 10
# 10


Anyway of knowing your score? Maybe a leader board?

20 years ago
# 11
# 11



That would be nice...If we are the only two who have taken it so far I will be in second for a little bit. Oh..When I was done, It said,"You have already completed this contest" The system had a bug in the middle of my doing it so maybe it got messed up while I was doing it? I was sending out e-mails in between questions , stuff for work so I hope that all that activity wasn't messing with it at all.

20 years ago
# 12
# 12



And Was there a tie-breaker? I want to to be sure that if last place is a tie that I maybe could come out at second to last place. No I think I did alright, there was one I didn't know at all, and then maybe five I was really ify on. Is there any way to go back through and look them up, short of signing on under a different name.

20 years ago
# 13
# 13


In Reply To #13 After submitting two of my questions in the middle somewhere, I was lead to a page that had an error on it and had to reload. There was no middle page and it just lead me to the next question in immediate succession. I think I did alright, I know I got a couple wrong, but I have a feeling I got at least 20 right. I didn't get a tie breaker either. I object to one of the questions, as it was very specific to a region. I got it right, only because I had ordered one of their beers through Liquid Solutions before. Other than that, nice little quiz. I hope to see these quizzes continuing throughout beerpals future. I definitely like the setup of having it timed, and having each question separate. This does a pretty good job of ensuring no cheaters. After the 20th when the winner is rewarded, will there be an answer sheet? I'm curious about a couple of the questions. Thanks.

20 years ago
# 14
# 14



Well, you two were the first ones to use the contest. And dippy, you managed to get caught in the middle of the bug. None of your questions were lost or ruined BUT I did send you a message about having to go back in and answering one question that I had to re-word. I relized it was confusing.

20 years ago
# 15
# 15



No, I didn't want to put up a leader board. I think that would intimidate people from wanting to try. After the contest is over you'll be able to see all of your answers and your final score. I'll post a Top Score list at that point. Maybe every user that got over 20 right (we'll have to see how everyone does).

20 years ago
# 16
# 16



In Reply To #14 Shit, I also noticed an error twice when I was trying the questions. It has no effect on your score or times, but I'm not sure why it's happening at the moment. There is no tie-breaker right now. I screwed up and made it difficult to be able to add that in now. I was just going to ask the tied people to answer the question later if there is a tie. As for the region specific question, I'm not exactly sure what question your'e talking about, so please send me a private message about that one. However, I did trie to make some very difficult questions so that not everyone would be getting them all right. But, if you think the question gives an unfair advantage due to location, let me know. I put in 3 different measures to help catch cheaters. Hopefully it works :) I think this trivia stuff is fun and adds a lot to the site, so I'd also like to have them often, even if it's not always for a price (I can't afford to do this every month). Unfortunately, it does take time to think up these questions! Maybe for quizzes with no prizes I can let people submit questions ahead of time that I can pick from.

20 years ago
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