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Any luck on the Black Note/Hopslam combo gents???

Beer Swapping by SLOWRUNNER77

Just curious...

11 years ago
# 4
# 4



quote: Originally posted by heybeerman
quote: quote: Originally posted by kinger
Hopslam was and probably still is everywhere as of last week or so. Rumor is that the Cleveland area may see a case or more of Blacknote, but it will never see the light of day.
A friend in Duluth picked me up 2 four packs today, the bottle shop owner said he could only get a case and a half.
The Cleveland area Bell's Rep still has not been informed on how much he'll be getting for the area, and knowing the local scene up there I'd be surprised if the average joe would even have a chance to come across it in a store.

11 years ago
# 5
# 5

Greg, I bought an extra Whiskey Bigfoot 750 for next time we trade, just in case. Hard to tell when and where that kind of thing will show up...

11 years ago
# 6
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Hopslam went very fast up here. I haven't had it in a few years.

11 years ago
# 7
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Hopslam, surprisingly, lasts a decent amount of time around here. It may be that folks don't like the price tag, but it seems to last from about now through May I wanna say. Shipping is a bit of a problem for us this time of year though. Makes trading tough. I likely won't see the black note until March because its usually below zero up in Duluth lately. I am sure age won't hurt it but I am not sure how age will effect hopslam?

11 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
Greg, I bought an extra Whiskey Bigfoot 750 for next time we trade, just in case. Hard to tell when and where that kind of thing will show up...
I actually have a few things as well (Oak Horizontal, among others) - I'll reach out!

11 years ago
# 9
# 9

I've always had a large wish list, and probably always will. Keeps the trade market active, at the least. Black Note and (either) version of Kopi Luwak Speedway Stout are my only white whales anymore, though. I know, I know, I'm not "evolved" chasing after the hard to get stuff, but damn - based on how much I love Speedway, and how much I love that coffee (and what it can do in a beer ala Beer Geek Brunch Weasel) KLS had real, tangible potential to be THE ONE. Ditto for Black Note. Hopslam (not that they are alone in this) changed the hop profile yet again and was not as awesome, IMHO, this year. When the basic beer has only a few ingredients, how can you significantly change one regularly and still call it the same beer? Old Guardian is another that comes to mind, but there are a ton! I wish they'd find a profile that works and just stick with it (shortages/crop failures, etc notwithstanding)...

11 years ago
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A local grocer got a case of Blacknote a while back, but the Bell's rep convinced him to do a Bell's tap takeover on the the growler station along with an in store Black Note tasting instead of selling individual bottles. $5 flight for 2 oz. pours of Black Note, Expedition, and Double Creme I was a bit confused of this at first then realized how much more cash they could generate doing it this way instead of selling single bottles of Black Note. Needless to say I didn't attend. Didn't have any Hopslam this year, but heard the grumbles about the profile change on this batch. Based on the widespread opinions it seems to be a case of different product as opposed to the "last years was so much better" reaction that typically takes place with seasonal releases.

11 years ago
# 11
# 11

I have confirmation on 2 four packs of black note showing up on Friday...I am not much of a whale hunter but this one has been something of a bastard to get a hold of and I am pretty damn excited! (Deffinitely will reserve some bottles for trade if you're interested) On a side note about this years hopslam, it did seem to have less of a punch. Strangely it sold out faster than I've ever seen before and now there is none left.

11 years ago
# 12
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quote: Originally posted by kinger
$5 flight for 2 oz. pours of Black Note, Expedition, and Double Creme
Too bad he didn't get enough to do this AND sell bottles. Nice little beer geek tasting...

11 years ago
# 13
# 13

Many many advance thanks to Heybeerman for pulling through in the clutch! [:D]

11 years ago
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