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Scores after merging beers

Website Comments by CYRENAICA The ratings moved over when the alias was created, but the scores did not. Two other Lake of Bays were aliased (the rousse) at the same time and the same problem exists there. This hasn't happened with any other aliases in the past.

12 years ago
# 1
# 1


The scores don't get calculated when you alias or duplicate a beer. The one you are referring to must have been added after the one you made an alias and never had a review, so it still shows nothing. The only way to calculate the scores is if I manually run a site wide recalculation, which I do periodically, or if another review is made on that beer. It will probably also recalculate if you were to update your own review. Since you actually have a review on that beer, why don't you try that and see if it works.

12 years ago
# 2
# 2


The tweaking worked. This brewer just happened to rebrand all their beers recently.

12 years ago
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