Industry News by SLOWRUNNER77
Not a fan, but this still sucks... KRNV TV reports the upcoming closure of Buckbean Brewing. Owner, Doug Booth, told KRNV TV that it is due to the sluggish economy and higher-than-projected costs. Grain costs are reportedly increasing and causing price hikes industry-wide. Production numbers aren’t available for the brewery. Buckbean opened in April of 2008 and is most well-known for being one of the first producers of craft beer in cans. Buckbean is the fourth brewery to announce closure within just the past two weeks. No official word has appeared on the brewery’s Facebook page yet.
12 years ago
Tennessee actually gets (got) Buckbean Beers. While not World Class they still were very drinkable beers. Hate it that they're closing.
Brian, VERY NODDY was probably their best beer. Part of their problem was that they made (canned) beer that was craft beer approachable for the swill drinking masses, but cost $2 per can, so they priced themselves out of their own market. As far as a local business placewatering hole, etc...very spartan "tasting room", hard to find, short hours, no food. They were in early on the canning thing, but were also the 3rd or 4th best local brewery, and the top 2 have 5 locations between them, all serving food. I never want to see a brewer go under, though. Seems like the market just needed to balance itself. It surprised me more when Sacramento BC went belly up.