Brewery Rankings
Website Comments by PAULCARDOM
How often are these updated? I noticed that almost of all of the top rated breweries have more reviews than listed. For examnple, Westvleteren beers have 172 reviews, but the brewery ranking page says '169'. Similarly Rochefort beers have 314 reviews, and the ranking page says 306, etc etc etc
13 years ago
This is the way I view things, and I am not sure why I choose this somewhat un-associated thread to say it, and I hope Flash is not offended, but I love Beerpal: These are the reasons why: 1) Despite having never spoken to flash I appreciate that flash works his ass off for a site that doesnt make him wealthy. 2) Beerpal makes no one wealthy 3) I do not feel like my opinion is one in a million, only one in a few hundred instead 4) It is representative of where the whole craft beer movement started, with real people who we're rare among their associates and they found a relevant community in the world village (aka web) I do not know if flash will apprciate this, but it is like this. Things do not run completely smoothly here, but neither do things in life. Do not pass the buck, accept things for what they are, and appreciate them, because things like beerpal are rare and I appreciate them. Our lives do not need to be instanteous gratification. They can be slow, not always work right, and we can wait be paitient and value the great things that come to us without big marketing budgets. Beerpal is one of these things Die Antwoord is another of these things (this is the part no one might appreciate): Behold the south afican hip hop artist that is destorying pop culutre: (If you do not understand the mouse costume in this video behold the kermit outfit that is beercronics picture at the moment) (P.S. the last video is about a strange 'coming of age' afrikans circumcsion ritual)
Well said.
quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
This is the way I view things, and I am not sure why I choose this somewhat un-associated thread to say it, and I hope Flash is not offended, but I love Beerpal: These are the reasons why: 1) Despite having never spoken to flash I appreciate that flash works his ass off for a site that doesnt make him wealthy. 2) Beerpal makes no one wealthy 3) I do not feel like my opinion is one in a million, only one in a few hundred instead 4) It is representative of where the whole craft beer movement started, with real people who we're rare among their associates and they found a relevant community in the world village (aka web) I do not know if flash will apprciate this, but it is like this. Things do not run completely smoothly here, but neither do things in life. Do not pass the buck, accept things for what they are, and appreciate them, because things like beerpal are rare and I appreciate them. Our lives do not need to be instanteous gratification. They can be slow, not always work right, and we can wait be paitient and value the great things that come to us without big marketing budgets. Beerpal is one of these things
Having said all that, and reading other threads, there is still an expectation by the masses that certain information will be updated (monthly top brewers as per Phishpond, Brewery Rankings as per PaulCardom, etc). While certain things in life may not run smoothly, but when you sign up for a website such as this, where you are contributing information (i.e. ratings, new beers, new breweries, posts, etc) it is fair that you expect that the use of that information is being maintained to the level you expect. If I enter a new beer, I expect it to be approved in a timely manner (less than a month) and receive my beer caps. Since the summer of 2010, this has been happening. If I enter a new brewery, I expect it to be approved in a timely manner (less than a month) and receive my beer caps. Since the summer of 2010, this has been happening. If I enter a beer rating, I expect it to count towards the beers overall ranking in a timely fashion (which I believe it always has). But I can read the posts of other people here (slowrunner77 in particular) and I believe that brewery rankings are important. So why shouldn't they be up to date as well? Similar post in another thread by phishpond talking about monthly reviewers...again, if it truly takes only a moment or two to do it, I expect it should be done more often then not. Similarly, for the last couple of weeks, I've been getting an ASP 0113 time out error several times a day, regardless of which browser I use, and regardless of where I am in North America.....I expect the site to be available more often than not available. Again, as consumers and contributors to the site, it is not a stretch to want to have our expectations met!
quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
This is the way I view things, and I am not sure why I choose this somewhat un-associated thread to say it, and I hope Flash is not offended, but I love Beerpal: These are the reasons why: 1) Despite having never spoken to flash I appreciate that flash works his ass off for a site that doesnt make him wealthy. 2) Beerpal makes no one wealthy 3) I do not feel like my opinion is one in a million, only one in a few hundred instead 4) It is representative of where the whole craft beer movement started, with real people who we're rare among their associates and they found a relevant community in the world village (aka web) I do not know if flash will apprciate this, but it is like this. Things do not run completely smoothly here, but neither do things in life. Do not pass the buck, accept things for what they are, and appreciate them, because things like beerpal are rare and I appreciate them. Our lives do not need to be instanteous gratification. They can be slow, not always work right, and we can wait be paitient and value the great things that come to us without big marketing budgets. Beerpal is one of these things Die Antwoord is another of these things (this is the part no one might appreciate): Behold the south afican hip hop artist that is destorying pop culutre: (If you do not understand the mouse costume in this video behold the kermit outfit that is beercronics picture at the moment) (P.S. the last video is about a strange 'coming of age' afrikans circumcsion ritual)