BP Chat Relocated
Website Comments by FLASHPRO
Last night I moved the BeerPal Chat program from to another one of my domains, It required a lot of changes to the code so I'm warning you guys that it may still be buggy. If you're unable to get on please post in this topic. FYI it had to be moved because the chat is a huge burden on the system. It works by constantly reloading the page, about once or twice a second. So two people chatting for one hour are making over 10,000 page requests an hour. It hasn't been making the site noticably slower, but the potential is there. The real problem is that it eats massive amounts of disk space because of the web log, which all websites have and keeps track of every request to the site. Two nights ago we had about 4 guys on all night and it ate over 80MB of disk space! By putting the chat in I can disable the web logging without worries because I have no need to monitoring requests to that site.
20 years ago
I'm still having trouble with the member pictures showing up. I know you said it might be my firewall? This is the only site it seems to do this though... Anyways, if others are having the same problem, then I think its the site. If its only me, then I'm typing on an expensive anchor. Let me know before I hit the shallows, its weigh anchor or bust... KMA
Sometimes people have trouble with member pictures, the beer pictures, the rating graph and the poll results because they're "special". They're running off my home server through a funny IP address and some firewalls don't like that. Secondly they aren't sent to your browser as normal images. I used a crazy method that prevents people from linking to the beer and member images. Third, sometimes my home server goes down. Clash is having problems because his computer seems to be screwed up. They used to work and then one day they stopped. I found out this weekend that his browser isn't sending the proper information when he makes a page request and that's why the bp chat doesn't work for him. Your browser, kissmybass, is working properly, at least for that part. Does the BP Chat work for you?
In Reply To #4 Yeah I cant get on the beerpal chat. I have tried the beerbrain website, and it puts me back to beerpal. Then I click for chat, and it gives me an error. So NO! Was I right about using this as an anchor, or do you have any more ideas that might help. Its just not the same without my Clint Eastwood pictures looking back etc...along with others. KMA