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Why doesn't some of the totals work in real time?

Website Comments by LENUSIK

Or even upon my next login? I entered several beers yesterday including a couple of new countries, and some new states............and logged off. When I logged in this morning to answer the states rated question, I saw my old total (39) still displayed, and it's not until I actually clicked on the 39, that the map is displayed and I see I have 42 (I have all states ecept North Dakota, but that won't show until I get my other 1100 reviews in). So, why does it wait until 'I' click on it to update it?

13 years ago
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# 1


I know it's confusing, but a lot of stats are not live because it takes up so much processing time. I plan to automate a few more stats on the new site only because it uses a newer technology and I've found ways to optimize some of the data handling. This is probably why some websites charge to have access to more stats. A server can only do so much calculating without slowing down. If i had the site recalculate every one of your own stats each time you logged in it would probably take you 30 seconds to get on, depending on how much data you have.

13 years ago
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# 2

quote: Originally posted by Flashpro
I know it's confusing, but a lot of stats are not live because it takes up so much processing time. I plan to automate a few more stats on the new site only because it uses a newer technology and I've found ways to optimize some of the data handling. This is probably why some websites charge to have access to more stats. A server can only do so much calculating without slowing down. If i had the site recalculate every one of your own stats each time you logged in it would probably take you 30 seconds to get on, depending on how much data you have.
Keep BP Free!

13 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by eaglefan538
Keep BP Free!

13 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by Flashpro
I know it's confusing, but a lot of stats are not live because it takes up so much processing time. I plan to automate a few more stats on the new site only because it uses a newer technology and I've found ways to optimize some of the data handling. This is probably why some websites charge to have access to more stats. A server can only do so much calculating without slowing down. If i had the site recalculate every one of your own stats each time you logged in it would probably take you 30 seconds to get on, depending on how much data you have.
I think some of this could be solved by having periodic updates (I mentioned this in another post). I don't see BeerPal as being a site that I'm only going to be on for a minute or so, so if I have to wait 30 seconds to get be it.

13 years ago
# 5
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There are other stats, especially monthly reviews, etc...that are days or even weeks behind, with no pattern apparent as to when/if they get updated. Maybe some things are only manually updated?

13 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
There are other stats, especially monthly reviews, etc...that are days or even weeks behind, with no pattern apparent as to when/if they get updated. Maybe some things are only manually updated?
You're right. The top monthly reviewers is updated manually by myself. It's the only thing I update manually. There's no reason why I couldn't have it update at least once a day automatically, but I never got around to it. There isn't anything that is manually updated on the new site.

13 years ago
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