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Your most reviewed state?

General Beer Discussion by FLASHPRO

I was looking at my stats today and saw something interesting. I have reviewed precisely twice as many beers from the state of Oregon as I have from my home state, Pennsylvania. At 188 beers from Oregon, that makes up 20% of my total review count [:0] For me I know it's because in October 2010 I started a beer blitz while working in Oregon. My biography will refer to this period of my life as The Great Beer Awakening lol. California is still high up there on my list with over 10% of my reviews. What does everyone else's state stats look like? You can see by clicking on the US States list on your profile page.

13 years ago
# 11
# 11



California is numero uno with 96, New York is 2nd at 52, and Colorado is 3rd with 41. I have another 400 or so reviews for US beers to put in, and most from Illinois and Wisconsin so these will change once I get caught up (if ever that happens)

13 years ago
# 12
# 12


Connecticut - 72 Massachusetts - 61 New York - 46 California - 40 Vermont - 38 Pennsylvania - 35 Anyone NOT have California in their top 5?

13 years ago
# 13
# 13


quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
California with 649. Oregon is a close second with 79.
Ha! I like your sense of humor. And your home state loyalty. Cali is a great place for beer, to be sure. However, the size of the state encompasses plenty of inspired brewers and appreciative consumers. Little ol' Virginia looks pretty good to beer lovers, too. The beer scene in and around Washington, DC is getting much better lately. Maybe before long, Virginia will break into my top 3. If you include an area up and down the East coast that is equal in area to the state of California, the East Coast is solid.

13 years ago
# 14
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California - 84 Oregon - 33

13 years ago
# 15
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California 170...then Oregon at 29

13 years ago
# 16
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New York

13 years ago
# 17
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California - 163 oHIo - 142 Michigan - 87

13 years ago
# 18
# 18

easily California.

13 years ago
# 19
# 19

Cali...600 more than 2nd place Oregon and Nevada!! The state might be broke, but damn do they have a LOT of good beer!

13 years ago
# 20
# 20

Wisconsin at 784. California lagging behind at at 171.

13 years ago
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