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Beer Lit

General Beer Discussion by UPSTATEDAVE

The post about James Bond made me think about other characters in literature who were beer drinkers. Two characters come to mind for me. Both are detectives, Nero Wolfe He was very loyal to Remmers. (Real brand or fictional?) The other is Spenser. Half the fun of reading a Spenser novel is finding out what he is drinking. He would make a great beerpal. If you come at this topic from the author point of view Hemingway would be pretty high on the list. He loved beer and wrote about it in a variety of his stories. Ok he wrote about a number of different types of libations, but beer got frequent mention. Other references to beer in lit?

This message was edited by Upstate Dave at 8/8/2004 9:45:12 PM.

20 years ago
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In Reply To #1 Remember, Dave..Bond was not a beer fact, in all 20 movies made over the last 40 years, I don't think I have ever seen Bond with a beer...I was surmizing with my post as to what Bond would drink if this higher octane beverages were not available in the locals he visited on his missions......As for other characters in literature and film, or whatever, who drank beer, I can't really think of any....

20 years ago
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In Reply To #2 That's true I don't ever remember him lifting a pint in any of the films. He always had a never ending supply of Martinis

20 years ago
# 3
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In Reply To #1 The veternerians in All Creatures Great and Small damn sure put down some pints! Read Storm of Steel -Ernst Junger-drinking in the Great War. And Robert Graves was always good for a pint and a poem.

20 years ago
# 4
# 4

I did a little more research into Robert B. Parkers fictional detective Spenser and his beer preferences. There is a web site devoted to this series of mysteries entitled bullets and beer. With a little clicking you can see what the main character drank from each book. In the novels Spenser took a variety of libations but beer was what he most often choose. Not counting those simply listed as beer or drafts he tried 37 different brands throughout the series. The choices range from PBR to Blue Moon and Brooklyn Lager. If you are a mystery fan this series is very entertaining. Finding out what he is drinking is a bonus.

20 years ago
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