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The year so far...

General Beer Discussion by DREWSESLU

I didn't want to wait until July to is you're year in beer progressing? I've sampled 167 beers as of now (likely a few more by sundown). I've done some brewing, and plan to purchase quite a bit of brewing equipment in the next six weeks or so. 500 total reviews by the end of the year would be ideal, but I'd be ok with 450. Drink up, BeerPals.

19 years ago
# 1
# 1



I'm hoping I can hit 700 reviews by the years end. I have reviewed 545 as of today, but there are no new beers in my area. As for my brewing goals, I am now brewing all-grain, so that goal I made at new years has been met. For the rest of the year, I am planning on reading more brewing books and implementing 1 new technique each time I brew. I'd like to be able to lager and keg by the year's end, but I think that project will have to wait till early '06. Brett [^]

19 years ago
# 2
# 2

I plan to try all the styles I haven't tryed yet! Fun times ahead!!!

19 years ago
# 3
# 3



I'm not sure why this post was identified as 'recent' in my view of the forums but what a blast from the past! Me, Graeme, and Drew chatting beer 15 years ago! And apparently I've been brewing about 16 years. Time flies...

4 years ago
# 3.1
# 3.1

@Brett Just for you LOL. Actually, I don't know what's going on with the forum this week. I just found another mistake.

4 years ago
# 3.2
# 3.2

@Brett Haha this is great! Maybe a sign to drink your Dubbel tonight!

2 years ago
# 4
# 4

Covid wrecked us. Living in a van down by the river. Have all my beer tied to a rig floating by a catfishing hole.



2 years ago
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