Skanadian hits 100 reviews.
Website Comments by BRETT
Congratulations and keep the reviews coming! Chimay Blue was his 100th - followed by a Fuller's London Porter. Looks like you had a good tasting day. Cheers.
19 years ago
Awww, thanks guys. Imagine my surprise when I log onto BeerPal for the fifth time today only to see my handle in the forum topics. Never once thought I would get any recognition, so this certianly makes my day! I'll continue to do my best in the future. I just got to say that the real congratulations goes to the BP community for being a bunch of great people and keeping this excellent website and database going. I've made a commitment to myself to enter the chat more often, which will probably be easier when I'm at school and have a constant internet connection, beginning next week. Cheers! [:D] and keep the reviews coming, BeerPals!