I complain a lot...
Website Comments by DANSTING
...but this site is really good. I'm glad I can view it at my work. Thanks for all the work you guys do. I appreciate it.
19 years ago
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First of all, I have no idea to what you are referring. You are not one to whine without reasonable provocation. But anyway, making suggestions is a key part of active membership. It shows you care and want to help. So whatever it is you're not doing, keep it up! To misquote my old college roommate and philosophy major, Fred "Bill" Neechie, "Complaints which do not kill us make us stronger... or something like that." He died a few years ago, but I'll always remember his words of wisdom. Between school years, I earned tuition money as a laborer at Gestalt Construction Company. As my old foreman, Christian von Ehrenfels, was fond of saying, "The whole summer is the grate of your parts!" I always thought he was mad at me whenever he said that. Hey, constructive criticism is the bread of life! Speaking of which, check out the Fake Food advertisement at the bottom of this page! They even have fake beer! Notice the fake Corona (with a fake lime). I think that helps answer the question posed in a different thread. How can you tell if a beer is swill? See if they mock it on Fake Ha! But I digress-- Is that bad?
quote: Originally posted by Dansting
...but this site is really good. I'm glad I can view it at my work. Thanks for all the work you guys do. I appreciate it.
19 years ago