Spiced Beer

Spiced Beer

2388 beers | 3.389 Avg Score

The spiced ale category on Beerpal captures any ale (or lager) containing spices, herbs, flowers, or vegetables that does not better fit another existing style that is traditionally made with spices (ie. a Belgian Wit brewed with coriander is properly classified under Witbier). The additives can include any spice, herb, flower, or vegetable and is only limited by the imagination of the brewer. Beers brewed only with fermentable additives/adjuncts (like honey or molasses but no spices, herbs, flowers, or vegetables) are normally not categorized as spiced ales. The ideal examples from this style typically do not include extreme or overpowering quantities of the spices, herbs, or vegetables, but rather complementary and supporting levels that add creativity or help to enhance the base beer style. Pumpkin, Winter specialty, Gruit, Heather, Spruce, and Chli are some examples of spiced ale substyles that have gained notoriety within craft brewing.