
New Limburg Brewing Company Limited

New Limburg Brewing Company Limited

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2353 Nixon Road
Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 4K6


Year Established: 2015


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Working hard toward that refreshing beer at the end of the day. We’ve transformed an old school into a microbrewery looking to bring the best Belgian style ales to Norfolk County.

ID: 12192 Last updated 5 days ago Added to database 7 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: New Limburg St. Arnoldus [1]
Highest Rated: New Limburg St. Arnoldus [3.350]
Most Reviewed: New Limburg St. Arnoldus [1]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
New Limburg Belgian Blonde
Belgian Strong Ale| 7.2 %
New Limburg Black Sheep
Milk Stout| 5.2 %
New Limburg Damme Strong Blonde
Belgian Strong Ale| 8.7 %
New Limburg Dubbel
Abbey Dubbel| 6.5 %
New Limburg Knight Beer Before Christmas Pumpkin Ale
Spiced Beer| 7 %
New Limburg Lost Rye
Rye Beer| 6.2 %
New Limburg Petit Blond
Belgian Ale| 5 %
New Limburg St. Arnoldus
Abbey Quadrupel| 10.5 %
3.350 (1)
New Limburg Tripel
Abbey Tripel| 9 %
New Limburg Witbier
Witbier| 4.9 %

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