Les 3 Fourquets

Les 3 Fourquets

Courtil, 50
Gouvy, B6671


Year Established: unknown


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ID: 4109 Last updated 1 day ago Added to database 18 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Les 3 Fourquets Lupulus Bière Triple d'Ardenne [3.225]
Most Reviewed: Les 3 Fourquets Lupulus Ambrée [2]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Cuvée du Tchesté
Belgian Strong Ale| 7.5 %
Durbuy Z
Belgian Ale| 6.8 %
Grand Cuvée des Bernardins Fleurusiens
Abbey Tripel| 8.5 %
La Béole
Belgian Strong Ale| 8 %
La Bleuette
Fruit Beer| 5 %
La Boquette
Bock| 6.5 %
La Brooklynette / La Gnomette Part II
IPA| 9 %
3.125 (1)
La Brooklynette/ La Gnomette Part I (Experimental Version)
Imperial IPA| 10 %
La Célisette
Witbier| 8.5 %
La Gnomette
Belgian Strong Ale| 9 %
3.150 (1)
La Jeanette
Vienna / Amber Lager| 5 %
La Paquerette
Imperial Pilsener| 7 %
La Pilsette
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5 %
La Riboulette
Belgian Ale| 6.5 %
La Stavelotaine
Abbey Tripel| 8 %
Les 3 Fourquets Lupulus Ambrée
Belgian Strong Ale| 7.5 %
3.180 (2)
Les 3 Fourquets Lupulus Bière Triple d'Ardenne
Abbey Tripel| 8.5 %
3.225 (1)
Lupulus / Van Moll Imperial Porter
Imperial Porter| 9.5 %
Lupulus 10 Years Dry Hopped with T'N'T Hops
Belgian Strong Ale| 8.5 %
Lupulus 2017 Yellow Sub Hops
Belgian Strong Ale| 8.5 %
Lupulus 2018 Dryhop Cryo Citra
Abbey Tripel| 8.5 %
Lupulus Blanche
Witbier| 4.5 %
Lupulus Bock
Bock| -
3.050 (1)
Lupulus Brune
Belgian Strong Ale| 8.2 %
Lupulus Déren’
Belgian Ale| 5.5 %
Lupulus Dryhop Cryo Sabro
Abbey Tripel| -
3.175 (1)
Lupulus Finest Harvest Edition - 2016 Saaz
Abbey Tripel| 8.5 %
Lupulus Fructus
Fruit Beer| 4.2 %
Lupulus Hibernatus
Belgian Strong Ale| 9 %
Lupulus Kveik King
IPA| 6 %
Lupulus NEIPA (Cryo Pop)
IPA| -
3.075 (1)
Lupulus Organicus
Abbey Tripel| 8.5 %
Lupulus Placebo
Reduced Alcohol| -
Lupulus Printemps
Belgian Ale| 6 %
Lupulus Triple / Blonde
Abbey Tripel| -
3.075 (1)
Magnum Lupulus Millesime 2012
Belgian Strong Ale| 10 %

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