
L'Âne Brasseur

L'Âne Brasseur

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Lann Guilloux
Saint Aignan, Brittany, 56480

02 56 62 61 03

Year Established: 2014


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During the cooler months, from October to March, the micro-brewery takes over the activities of the gîte. The manufacturing premises are located opposite the hostel. After having discovered the lake of Guerlédan, you will be able to benefit from an explanatory visit on simple request and according to our availabilities. These are not standardized products. Our beers reflect our tastes and our convictions, with artisanal production over a wood fire. We remain within human dimensions and the volumes produced are therefore limited to a few tens of hectoliters per year. We want to produce quality beers with a strong identity, rather than relying on quantity.

ID: 13358 Last updated 5 days ago Added to database 2 years ago

Quick Stats








Beer | Style | ABV Score
L'Âne Brasseur La Gouez (2018)
Wild Ale| 6 %
3.075 (1)
L'Âne Brasseur La Grande Exploratrice
English Barleywine| 9 %
3.150 (1)
L'Âne Brasseur La Petite Voyageuse
IPA| 3.5 %
L'Âne Brasseur La Voyageuse
IPA| 7 %

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