Lochiel The Dinnie
Lochiel The Dinnie
Rated 3.300 by BeerPalsBrewed by Lochiel Brewing
Mesa, AZ, United StatesStyle: Strong Ale
15.1% Alcohol by Volume
83 International Bittering Units
This beer is available seasonally
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The Strong, Strong Pale. Named after the Scottish Strongman, Donald Dinnie. Donald Dinnie was famous for carrying two stones, of asymmetrical weight, one being 318.8 lbs and the other at 414.8 lbs and known as the Dinnie Stones making an combined weight of 733 lbs. The original Dinnie Stones are located at Potarch in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 15.1% ABV 83 IBU
ID: 103055 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 1 year agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 11740 |
Overall Percentile | 79.2 |
Style Rank | 344 of 817 |
Style Percentile | 57.9 |
Lowest Score | 4.2 |
Highest Score | 4.2 |
Average Score | 4.200 |
Weighted Score | 3.300 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9
25.4oz crowler pours with a deep copper to mahogany colored body that supports a full off white head of foam. The aroma offers up plum, date and fig like fruity esters as well as thin clouds of spicy to floral hoppiness. The taste delivers smooth sweet plum to date like fruity esters followed quickly by a pleasing spicy hop to floral hop to woodsy hoppy bite. To midway a sliver of reduced sugars is noticed as the massive ABV tries to be heard but never really gains much ground. This comes together nicely. Another few sips and murmurs of various strata of maltiness are noticed ranging from mildly sweet to modestly roasty. This tries to be a big bold strong ale and fully delivers. Fun sipper.