Beer Reviews by PAULCARDOM

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
126 Keltek Golden Lance United Kingdom Blonde Ale 2.6

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

This is a recent purchase from the beer store monopoly in Ontario. It follows the CAMRA doctrine, yet I have it in a bottle…try that on for size (where’s my cask?!?!?!?!). A golden yellow pour with a bubbly white head that says ‘see ya later’ after a few seconds. Typical British aromatic notes with grass, inoffensive hop notes, and yeast. Flavour is rather dull with a decent balance between bland grains and bland hops. Sometimes I think that ‘Real Ale’ is not for me.

Apr 9, 2018
12:00:00 PM
127 McAuslan Griffon Extra Pale Blonde Ale Canada Blonde Ale 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

This is a good beer, yet quite possibly, the worst beer brewed by McAuslan. It pours a very pale gold colour with a frothy white head that sticks around to hear a story or two. The aroma is dominated by biscuit malt, light spices, yeast, and floral hops. The flavour starts out with a definite maltiness before giving way to a spicy hop finish.

Apr 9, 2018
12:00:00 PM
128 Whistler Paradise Valley Grapefruit Ale Canada Blonde Ale 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

There are a lot of IPAs which use different varieties of hops to produce big bold grapefruity notes. This beer uses grapefruit instead and less aromatic hop varieties. In the end, the grapefruit notes aren’t as powerful as the name suggests. In the end, you get a golden coloured beer with a white cap and slight haze that has a very grainy aroma and a very bland blonde ale flavour.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
129 Railway City Iron Spike Blonde Ale Canada Blonde Ale 2.8

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

Part of the Iron Spike series that put Railway City on the map. The appearance is a cloudy pale gold colour. The head is more of a thin white film than a full blown head. The aroma is very non-descript, but so it goes for most blonde ales. There is some buttery and grainy notes in the flavour, but they are balanced out by a weak hoppy presence.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
130 Carling O'Keefe Canada Blonde Ale 2.1

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

I first tried this beer when Carling was a standalone brewery and it wasn’t very good (but back then, ales were considered ‘old man beer’ so Export, 50, and O’Keefe were to be avoided). I recently tried the contemporary Molson version and was quite surprised as I felt that it had improved which I can’t say for the other Carling products that survived the merger. Let’s get to the basics. Colour is pale gold, head is white and thin. Aroma is corny and musty. Flavour is bland and corny. Hard to believe it was worse in the early 80s!

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
131 Moosehead Pale Ale Canada Blonde Ale 1.5

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

Seriously, be honest with me….this is just Moosehead Lager under a different label. I know it is. It looks like the lager, smells like the lager, and tastes like the lager. Ergo, it must be the lager.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
132 Badger Golden Champion Ale United Kingdom Blonde Ale 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

Purchased at the Liquor Control Board of Ontario Store. Beer pours a weak clouded golden colour with a generous bubbly white head. Aroma is floral hops, biscuit malts, and buttered popcorn. The flavour is honey, caramel, and malt with yeast notes in the finish.

Apr 22, 2020
01:05:22 PM
133 Broadhead Back Bone Standard Canada Blonde Ale 2.5

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

This is Broadhead’s staple beer. It looks like a macro blonde ale with it’s straw gold appearance and snow white cap. It smells slightly better than a macro blonde ale missing the metallic and phenolic notes that the macros adore. It tastes slightly better than a macro blonde ale missing the vomit inducing off-flavours that the macros crave. I’ll rate it like a macro blonde.

Apr 8, 2018
12:00:00 PM
134 Barnstormer Brewing 400 Blonde Canada Blonde Ale 2.6

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

They say blondes have more fun. I regret to inform people that is not the case in the beer world. Blondes are boring and this one is no exception. The beer pours a light gold colour, translucent, with heavy effervescence. The aroma is biscuit alt and floral hops, and the flavour is pretty much the same. If you don’t try it…you aren’t missing anything

Apr 22, 2020
01:13:22 PM
135 Railway City Sham-Bock Canada Bock 3.2

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

A decent alternative to the plethora of green beers that one sees around St. Patrick’s Day. Railway City is better known for their ales than their lagers so this one will be a new one for me from them. It pours a deep mahogany colour, murky, with a this light brown head. Lots of dark fruit and roasted notes in the aroma, with hints of bread, yeast, and maple syrup. The flavour is very sweet as the maple syrup really shines over all the other flavours.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
136 Mill Street Helles Bock Canada Bock 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

An interesting beer. The beer is a transparent orange with a small head. The aroma was of sweet malt and some hops. The flavour was a combination of malt, yeast, and a nice hoppy finish.

Jan 13, 2008
01:01:13 AM
137 Creemore Springs UrBock Canada Bock 4.4

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

This is my favourite beer from the Creemore line-up. Pours a solid maple syrup brown with a light brown head. Sweet malt and caramel dominate the flavour and aroma, although there is a hint of herbal hops in both. Light for a bock, and very sessionable.

Sep 1, 2012
12:00:00 PM
138 Barbar Winter Bok Belgium Bock 4.1

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

One can never go wrong with a dark beer.,…right? This beer pours with a dark brown pour with a light brown cap that sticks around. There is some roasted malt in the nose with hints of caramel, yeast, and spices. The flavour is as complex as the aroma with notes of coffee, caramel, yeast, and honey. I could drink a lot of this if it wasn’t 8.5%

Sep 14, 2014
12:00:00 PM
139 Jever Pilsener Germany Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.6

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

A recent find at the provincial liquor outlet and featured in the glossy monthly magazine. Canned, and pours into the glass as a clear light gold liquid. Cereal malt dominates the aromatics with ample hoppy tones. The flavour is nicely balanced between with malty sweetness and hoppy bitterness. Not bad for $2 beer.

Aug 9, 2014
12:00:00 PM
140 Bitburger Premium Pils Germany Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.3

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

A deep gold pour, clear, with a frothy white head that you expect from a German lager. Biscuity malt, yeast, and herbal hops round out the aroma. Flavour is nicely balanced between the malt and hops, again, something you would expect from a German lager

Sep 14, 2014
12:00:00 PM
141 Double Trouble Prison Break Breakout Pilsner Canada Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 2.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

A hazy pilsner – go figure! This beer pours a hazed medium gold from the can, with a thin white ring passing for a head. The aroma is biscuit malt, with notes of yeast and perfumy hops in the mix. The taste is sweet malt and yeast. Not much in the way of hops in the flavour.

Apr 8, 2018
12:00:00 PM
142 Wernesgrüner Pils Germany Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.6

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

When I was younger (the 1970s), there was nothing better than a good german pils. Partly because it was better than Molson, Labatts, and Carling O’Keefe and partly because we didn’t know any better. Every once in a while I like to revisit the classic Pils such as Bitburger, Wernesgruner, etc. A nice clear golden pour with a frothy white head, just as you would expect from a German beer. Very grainy aroma and a nicely balanced flavour with the malt backed by some bitter hops. Always good, but no longer the world beaters they used to be.

Apr 17, 2018
12:00:00 PM
143 Pilsner Urquell Czech Republic Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

The great grandfather of all of today’s Czech Pilseners, be they good or bad. I guess one can be a bit sentimental and rate this one high, and if you get it in a can that would be worthy. Or you can be fair and rate it for what it is, a decent lager that is a few steps above a macro but still a few steps below a well crafted pilsner. A pale straw pour that is topped by a foamy white head. Aroma is balanced between floral hops and grass. Flavour is rather one dimensional with grains up front and hops in the finish.

Apr 22, 2020
01:34:22 PM
144 Mill Street Original Organic Lager Canada Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 1.0

Aroma: 2 | Appearance: 2 | Mouthfeel: 2 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

What's with the 220ml of light beer? What's with the lack of aroma? What's with the lack of taste? The reality is.....what is with the lack of beer? Not a fan.

Jan 13, 2008
12:29:13 PM
145 Mill Street Pilsner Canada Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

Came in an undersized bottle, and with it came undersized flavour and aroma. The beer is golden yellow in colour with a white head. The aroma was slightly hoppy, although not florally hoppy. The flavour was also slightly bitter, but nothing impressive.

Jan 13, 2008
01:35:13 AM
146 Steam Whistle Pilsner Canada Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 4.0

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

This is far and away the best true pilsener in Canada. It pours a medium golden colour with a decent white head. Good grainy malt and floral hoppish toned in both the aroma and flavour. Just loved it!

Dec 9, 2011
12:00:00 PM
147 Creemore Springs Traditional Pilsner Canada Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.7

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

This was Creemore's first attempt at a Pilsner, and while generally accepted as a very good beer in it's native regions, it is not up the standard of the Premium Lager. This is a typical golden lager which lacks the corn and other adjuncts the macros add.

Sep 1, 2012
12:00:00 PM
148 Big Rock Warthog Ale Canada Brown Ale 3.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

This is Big Rock's version of Newcastle Brown Ale, only it's a superior brew in my opinion. The beer is brown with a tan coloured head. The aroma is malty and nutty with a slight hoppy hint. The mouthfeel is creamy with just mild carbonation and a dry bite. The flavour is nutty with a nice hoppish bite.

Dec 25, 2007
10:52:25 PM
149 Alexander Keith's Dark Ale Canada Brown Ale 2.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

I've seen this beer described by the brewery as a stout, as a porter, and as a dark ale. Regardless of how you describe it, it's still quite bad. A dark brown colour with some clarity, topped off with a small thin head. A bit of roasted malt in the nose and the flavour, yet very thin. Quite watery flavour.

Sep 25, 2011
12:00:00 PM
150 Alexander Keith's Honey Brown Ale Canada Brown Ale 1.9

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 4

The first negative thing I noticed about this beer was that it was the same colour as diarrhea (and that is never a good thing). The second negative thing I noticed about this beer was the metallic aroma. I found no honey. Same with the flavour, on the sweet side but no honey.

Sep 25, 2011
12:00:00 PM