Beer Reviews by CYRENAICA

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
2201 Shepherd Neame Spitfire Kentish Strong Ale United Kingdom Extra Special Bitter 3.4

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

500ml bottle <br> 4.5% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 27, 2008 <br> The beer poured a translucent light red colour with a long lasting thin tan coloured head. The aroma was freshly baked bread, some malt, and a small amount of hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with mild carbonation. The flavour was malty, with a little hint of both sourness and bitterness detected on the tongue.....but no discernable flavours to account for either.

Oct 27, 2008
11:19:27 AM
2202 Westmalle Dubbel Belgium Abbey Dubbel 4.7

Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 9

330ml bottle <br> 7.0% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 27, 2008 <br> The beer poured a slightly translucent reddish-brown with a huge tan coloured rocky head that lasted quite a while. The aroma was floral hops, caramel malts, and some yeast tones. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied, with mild carbonation. The flavour is malty with some sweet fruit tones (plums, apples) and a little yeast.

Oct 27, 2008
10:54:27 AM
2203 Pauwel Kwak Belgium Belgian Strong Ale 4.7

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 9

330ml bottle <br> 8.4% ABV <br> Special Pauwel Kwak glass (Priceless) <br> I tried this beer on October 21, 2008 at "Smokeless Joe's" in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer was poured into the special Kwak glass a translucent golden red, highly effervescent, and with a long lasting white head. The aroma was yeast, fruity, with some hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, with medium to high carbonation. The flavour was sweet malt, plummish tones, and a bitter finish.

Oct 21, 2008
09:15:21 PM
2204 Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Marzen Germany Marzen / Oktoberfest 3.7

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

400ml draught <br> 5.8% ABV <br> The Beerbistro (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 14, 2008 <br> The beer poured a crystal translucent dark golden colour with a thin white head. The aroma has some grainy malt hints, some hop hints, as well as some fruity hints like apricot. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, and was lightly carbonated. The flavour was grainy malt, and was very smooth. This went down well

Oct 14, 2008
07:31:14 PM
2205 Lagunitas Maximus United States Imperial IPA 4.0

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

625ml bottle <br> 7.5% ABV <br> The Beerbistro (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 14, 2008 <br> The beer poured a translucent orange-brown colur with a light tan head. The aroma was hops, malt, and some citrus tones. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was all hops as the grapefruity tones were very evident on the tongue

Oct 14, 2008
07:21:14 PM
2206 Creemore Springs UrBock Canada Bock 4.2

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

341ml bottle <br> 6.0% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 10, 2008 <br> The beer poured a translucent dark red, with brownish hints, and little or no head. The aroma was sweet malt, with a hint of hops. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour is sweet dark malt, some chocolatey tones, and a little hoppish bitterness.

Oct 10, 2008
01:32:10 PM
2207 Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar United States Brown Ale 4.2

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

650ml bottle <br> 6.2% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 10, 2008 <br> The beer poured a translucent very dark brown, with a creamy, tan coloured head. The aroma was dark malt, muts, and chocolate. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, with medium carbonation. The flavour was roasted malt, coffee, chocolate, some hazelnut, and some hops. Nicely complex

Oct 10, 2008
12:42:10 PM
2208 St. Peters Cream Stout United Kingdom Chocolate Stout 3.7

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

500ml bottle <br> 6.5% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> October 10, 2008 <br> The beer poured a dark brownish-black. When held up against sunlight, there was a trace of light getting throogh. The head was thin, bubbly, and gone in an instant. The aroma was roasted malt, chocolate, and coffee. The mouthfeel was medium-bodied, and slightly creamy. The flavour profile is similar to the aroma, roasted malt with a definite cocoa like taste and feel.

Oct 10, 2008
11:30:10 AM
2209 Ochakovo Premium Svetloe Russia Pale Lager 1.7

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

500ml bottle <br> 4.5% ABV <br> I tried this beer on October 3, 2008 at “Smokeless Joe’s” in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured a translucent very pale gold, with almost no head at all. The aroma was all grainy malt with a hint of hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was very grassy…all malt, very little hops. Boring beer, nothing awful, nothing great.

Oct 3, 2008
11:27:03 PM
2210 Yanjing Beer China Pale Lager 1.6

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

330ml bottle <br> 4.5% ABV <br> I tried this beer on October 3, 2008 at “Smokeless Joe’s” in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured a translucent gold, with almost a thin white head. The aroma was all grainy malt with a hint of hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was very grassy…all malt, very little hops. I tried a mouthfeel of this during the Olympics and was quite surprised at how bad it was. Having a full bottle reminds me that there’s nothing here to threaten the craft beer industry.

Oct 3, 2008
11:22:03 PM
2211 MacLay's Traditional Pale Ale Canada English Pale Ale 1.1

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 2 | Mouthfeel: 2 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

473ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 30, 2008 <br> Brewed under license in Canada by Sleeman's Maritime Beer Company facility <br> The beer poured a translucent pale yellow colour with a very generous white bubbly head that quickly disappeared. The aroma was weakly grainy malt with no other noticable odours. The mouthfeel was weak-bodied, watery, with a lot of carbonation. The flavour was pretty skunky, with an acidic bitterness and not much else. The beer went down faster than a glass of orange Kool-Aid.

Sep 30, 2008
12:17:30 PM
2212 Belhaven Wee Heavy United Kingdom Scottish Ale 3.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

500ml bottle <br> 6.50% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 30, 2008 <br> $3.50<br> The beer poured a very dark translucent reddish-brown colour, with a 1" thich tan coloured head. the aroma was sweet and molasses like, very malty. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied, medium carbonation. The flavour is sweet malt, molasses, and dark fruit with a little bit of brown sugar.

Sep 30, 2008
11:57:30 AM
2213 Great Lakes Brewery Pumpkin Ale Canada Spiced Beer 3.3

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

650ml bottle <br> 5.5% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 30, 2008<br> The beer poured a translucent orangy-gold with a thin light brown head that lingered. The aroma was weakly pumpkin-like, with some grassy malts, and cinnamon. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was malty, but there was a hint of pumpkin, and more than a hint of cinnamon.

Sep 30, 2008
11:11:30 AM
2214 Royal Extra Stout Trinidad and Tobago Foreign / Extra Stout 3.7

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

275ml bottle <br> 6.6% ABV <br> I tried this beer on September 23, 2008 at "Smokeless Joe's" in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured black with a thin tan coloured head. The aroma was chocolate and plums. The mouthfeel was full-bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour waas roasted malt, raisins, plums, and chocolate. A little sweet for me.

Sep 23, 2008
11:59:23 PM
2215 Harveys Porter United Kingdom Porter 3.6

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

500ml bottle <br> 4.8% ABV <br> I tried this beer on September 23, 2008 at "Smokeless Joe's" in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured a very dark brown, with a creamy tan coloured head (which lasted). The aroma was weak with hints of roasted malt, coffee, and chicoree. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, with medium carbonation. The flavour was malt, licorice, and sour coffee.

Sep 23, 2008
11:49:23 PM
2216 Greene King IPA United Kingdom Bitter 3.9

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 7

500ml bottle <br> 5.0% ABV <br> I tried this beer on September 23, 2008 at "Smokeless Joe's" in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured a translucent reddish gold with a thin white head. The aroma was a little malt, some piney scents, and hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, with medium carbonation. The flavour was a hoppish onslaught with a nice grapefruity finish. Very drinkable.

Sep 23, 2008
11:36:23 PM
2217 Brussels White Belgium Witbier 3.1

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

330ml bottle <br> 5.5% ABV <br> Best Before Date: April 2009 <br> I tried this beer on September 12, 2008 at "Smokeless Joe's" in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer pours a cloudy golden yellow with a thick, bubbly, white head that lingered. The aroma was malted wheat, cloves, and some sweet banana. The mouthfeel was medium-bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was very crisp with hints of banana, cloves, and nutmeg, all on a wheaty base.

Sep 12, 2008
08:12:12 PM
2218 Struise Pannepot Grand Reserva Oak Aged Belgium Belgian Strong Ale 4.9

Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10

PNP No. 4<br> 2005 Vintage<br> 330ml bottle <br> 10% ABV <br> Best Before Date: November 30, 2012 <br> Smokeless Joe (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)<br> September 12, 2008<br> 19.95<br> The beer poured a dark brown colour, with a thin light brown head which lasted throughout. The aroma was caramel malt, burnt sugar, some peppery spice, and anise. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, medium carbonated, and had a sharpness on the side of the tongue. The flavour was very sweet with hints of raw maple sugar, dark caramel malts, and some apples and pears. An excellent beer despite when the sweetness is considered.

Sep 12, 2008
08:04:12 PM
2219 Tyskie Gronie Poland Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 2.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5

500ml bottle <br> 5.5% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada)<br> September 5, 2008 <br> The beer poured a translucent medium gold colour with a thin white head that quickly reduced to a ring. The aroma was primarily grainy malt with a thin hopy wisp. The mouthfeel was thin bodied, highly carbonated, yet not watery. The flavour was grassy with some 'burnt' bitterness on the sides of the tongue.

Sep 5, 2008
12:44:05 PM
2220 Old Credit Amber Canada Amber Ale 2.7

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

680ml bottle <br> 5.0% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 5, 2008 <br> The beer poured a beautiful translucent red colour with a thin foamy tan coloured cap that stuck around a while. The aroma is weak with some floral hoppy tones. The mouthfeel is medium bodied and amply carbonated. The flavour is dry roasted malt, with a little bit of a hoppish bitterness in the finish. Okay, but far from outstanding.

Sep 5, 2008
11:17:05 AM
2221 Mikkeller Stateside India Pale Ale Denmark IPA 4.3

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

500ml bottle <br> 7.0% ABV <br> I tried this beer on September 4, 2008 at "Smokeless Joe's" in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured an orange-brown colour with a generous tan coloured head that laced very well down the glass. The aroma was pine and floral in nature indicating ample hoppiness. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was definitely hoppy with grapefruit and citrus tones in abundance. If it wasn't for price, I would certainly try this beer again.

Sep 5, 2008
10:14:05 AM
2222 Bornem Double Belgium Abbey Dubbel 3.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

330ml bottle <br> 7.0% ABV <br> Smokeless Joe (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) <br> August 26, 2008 <br> $10.00<br> The beer poured a translucent dark brown with a 1” tan coloured head. The aroma was a combination of yeast, malt, and some sour smells. The mouthfeel was thin to medium bodied, with champagne like carbonation. The flavour was yeasty, heavily spiced, with a nice malty taste. A very good beer.

Aug 26, 2008
08:02:26 PM
2223 Nickel Brook Special Edition Spring Bock Canada Bock 3.2

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

2008 Edition <br> 341 ml bottle <br> 6.2% ABV <br> I tried this beer on August 26, 2008 at “Smokeless Joe’s” in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The beer poured a reddish brown with a thin white head. The aroma was sweet malt. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, aith medium carbonation. The flavour was sweet malt, with a definite bitterness in the finish. A good beer, but not a great beer.

Aug 26, 2008
07:57:26 PM
2224 Jacobsen Saaz Blonde Denmark Belgian Ale 3.3

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

750ml bottle <br> 7.1% ABV <br> Milton LCBO Outlet #1 (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> August 23, 2008 <br> The beer poured a translucent reddish gold colour with a thin whitish head that dissipated quickly. The aroma is grainy malt, and some hops. The mouthfeel is medium bodied, slightly creamy, and highly carbonated. The flavour is mainly malty, some pepper spice, and a nice pleasant bitter hoppy finish

Aug 24, 2008
01:33:24 AM
2225 Bitburger Premium Pils Germany Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 2.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

500ml can <br> 4.8% ABV <br> Main/Bronte LCBO Outlet (Milton, Ontario, Canada) <br> August 18, 2008 <br> $2.15<br> The beer poured a translucent pale gold with a generous white rocky head that quickly dissipated. The aroma was grainy malts with some hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, and mildly carbonated. The flavour was more grainy malt with a bitter hop finish. Easy to drink, but not memorable.

Aug 18, 2008
02:27:18 PM