Beer Reviews by CYRENAICA

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
476 Wellington Welly One Off: India Pale Ale Canada IPA 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

October 5, 2011<br> The Symposium (Milton, Ontario, Canada – 611 Holly Avenue)<br> 500ml draught <br> 5.5% ABV <br> The beer poured a hazy copper colour with a creamy tan coloured head. The aroma was caramel malt, weak hops, and yeasty tones. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour was sweet malt and weak citrusy hops. Not a memorable beer.

Apr 15, 2022
04:07:37 PM
477 Wellington Silver Wheat Ale Canada American Wheat 1.7

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

March 9, 2011<br> LCBO Outlet #217 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Queen’s Quay)<br> 473ml can <br> 4.0% ABV <br> $2.95<br> The beer poured a slightly hazy gold colour with a thin white ring. The aroma was grainy malt...not very wheat like. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour has a little hint of wheat but aside from that tastes like most Canadian pale lagers....i.e. not very good. I hate to say it, but the Trailhead Lager tastes better.

Apr 15, 2022
04:05:12 PM
478 Wellington Trailhead Lager Canada Lager 2.4

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

September 6, 2009<br> LCBO Outlet #631 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Thompson)<br> 473ml can <br> 4.5% ABV <br> $2.45<br> The beer poured a translucent dark gold with a generous fluffy white head which disappeared quickly. The aroma was metal, malt, and some hops. The mouthfeel is weak bodied, watery, and highly carbonated. The flavour is wet grass, some metal, and slightly bitter.

Apr 15, 2022
04:03:50 PM
479 Wellington County Dark Ale Canada Amber Ale 3.2

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

May 26, 2008<br> Smokeless Joe’s (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 125 John Street)<br> 341ml bottle <br> 5.0% ABV <br> $5.55<br> The beer poured a translucent dark reddish brown with a creamy tan coloured head. The aroma was roasted malt, some nutty character, and some caramel with brown sugar. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carb carbonation. The flavour was malted nuttiness, with some hoppiness. Very similar to a lot of English Brown Ales.

Apr 15, 2022
04:02:02 PM
480 Wellington S.P.A. (Special Pale Ale) Canada English Pale Ale 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

April 30, 2008<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 341 ml bottle <br> 4.5% ABV <br> $1.50<br> The poured a beautiful translucent rusty red colour with a thin white rocky head. The aroma is some roasted malt, with a hoppy background. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, with ample carbonation. The flavour is malty with just a little hops. I was expecting a more hoppish flavour profile.

Apr 15, 2022
02:40:11 PM
481 Wellington / Great Lakes Brewery A Rising Tide Canada American Pale Ale 3.2

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

November 9, 2020<br> LCBO Outlet #649 (Milton, Ontario, Canada - Sobey's Plaza)<br> 473ml can<br> 5.80%<br> Best Before: December 4, 2020<br> $3.49<br> The beer pours a pale gold colour with a bubbly off-white head with an awful lot of effervescence. The aroma was grassy malts, yeast, earthy hops, and citrus zest. The mouthfeel was light to medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour was grains, citrus zest, and tart fruits. Not a bad beer.

Apr 15, 2022
02:36:51 PM
482 Wellington / Muskoka Brewery Lifts All Boats Canada Cream Ale 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

November 9, 2020<br> LCBO Outlet #649 (Milton, Ontario, Canada - Sobey's Plaza)<br> 473ml can<br> 5.00%<br> Best Before: December 4, 2020<br> $3.49<br> The beer pours a translucent golden brown colour with a thin creamy tan coloured head. The aroma was light biscuit malt, musty hops, and weak coffee. The mouthfeel was thin to medium bodied and very well carbonated. The flavour was light coffee, slight spice, and a weak bitter finish.

Apr 15, 2022
02:36:25 PM
483 Wellington / Nickel Brook Come And Float Canada Wild Ale 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

November 11, 2020<br> LCBO Outlet #649 (Milton, Ontario, Canada - Sobey's Plaza)<br> 473ml can<br> 4.80% <br> Best Before: December 4, 2020<br> $3.49<br> The beer pours a hazed brownish-pink colour with a weak white bubbly head that doesn’t last very long. The aroma is tart berries, funky grains, light yeast, and vinegar. The mouthfeel is puckering, light to medium bodied, and highly carbonated. The flavour is very tart with hints of grains and fruit. Finish is quite sour without a lot of bitterness.

Apr 15, 2022
02:35:52 PM
484 Wellington / Cameron's Brewing Join Together Kviek IPA Canada IPA 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

November 11, 2020<br> LCBO Outlet #649 (Milton, Ontario, Canada - Sobey's Plaza)<br> 473ml can<br> 6.30% <br> Best Before: December 4, 2020<br> $3.49<br> The beer pours a slightly hazed metallic gold colour with a huge white bubbly head that lasts a few minutes. The aroma is tropical fruit, funky yeast, and grass. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is grassy malt, tart tropical notes, with a weak bitter finish. Quite a good effort from two of Ontario’s older craft breweries.

Apr 15, 2022
02:34:24 PM
485 Tennents Lager United Kingdom Lager 1.9

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

February 4, 2012<br> LCBO Outlet #217 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Queen’s Quay)<br> 500ml can <br> 4.4% ABV <br> $2.25 <br> The beer poured a translucent medium gold colour with a thin white head which quickly disappeared. The aroma was grainy malt, vegetables and acids. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium-high carbonation. The flavour was wretched and metallic. Very acidic and left me not able to discern much in the way of malt or hops. Possibly a drainpour.

Apr 15, 2022
02:21:02 PM
486 Tennents Extra United Kingdom Pale Lager 2.1

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

March 11, 2015<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 500ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> $2.20 <br> The beer pours a translucent medium gold colour with absolutely no head. The aroma is cereal grains, weak floral hops, and acidic notes. The mouthfeel is weak to medium bodied with average carbonation. The beer lacks flavour. There are notes of weak grains, weak hops, and some phenolic notes. Not good at all.

Apr 15, 2022
02:20:08 PM
487 Charles Wells John Bull Finest Bitter Ale United Kingdom Extra Special Bitter 3.1

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

June 15, 2008<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 500ml can <br> 4.9% ABV <br> $2.35<br> The beer poured a beautiful translucent red colour with a 1/2 inch tan coloured head. The aroma is slightly sweet malt, dark fruits, and a little hops. The mouthfeel was thin to medium bodied, with mild carbonation. The flavour was a tad watery with some malted sense and a little hoppish feel. Very easy to drink

Apr 15, 2022
02:14:56 PM
488 Charles Wells Premium Lager United Kingdom Lager 1.7

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

May 29, 2008<br> LCBO Outlet #217 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Queen’s Quay)<br> 500ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> $2.00<br> The beer pours a translucent pale golden yellow colour with a very thin white head. The aroma is grassy malt with a little bit of hops. The mouthfeel is crisp, medium bodied and medium carbonation. The flavour is very grassy.

Apr 15, 2022
02:13:21 PM
489 Charles Wells Eagle IPA United Kingdom Extra Special Bitter 2.4

Aroma: 2 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

June 11, 2008<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 500ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> $2.40<br> The beer poured a beautiful translucent coppery red colour with a generous tan coloured head that quickly dissippated into rocky caps on top. Effervescence was notable when held up to the light. The aroma was grainy malt with a little bit of vomit. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, slightly creamy, and mildly carbonated with a bitter finish. The flavour was grainy malt, with some grapefruity hoppy bitterness in the finish, just enough to be detected.

Apr 15, 2022
02:11:58 PM
490 Young's Double Chocolate Stout United Kingdom Chocolate Stout 4.7

Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

June 28, 2008<br> LCBO Outlet #217 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Queen’s Quay)<br> 500ml bottle <br> 5.2% ABV<br> $3.10<br> The beer poured a very dark brown with a generous light brown head. The aroma was roasted malt, and chocolate. The mouthfeel was full-bodied, slightly creamy, and medium carbonated. The flavour roasted malt, chocolate, and cocoa to give it a 'dry' feel.

Apr 15, 2022
02:02:49 PM
491 Charles Wells Bombardier Burning Gold United Kingdom Bitter 2.8

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

June 11, 2008<br> Smokeless Joe’s (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 125 John Street)<br> 341ml bottle <br> 4.7% ABV <br> $11.25<br> The beer poured a dark translucent gold colour, with orange hues, with a thin white head. The aroma was mainly grassy malts with some hoppish tones. The mouthfeel was medium bodied, with medium carbonation. The flavour was grainy malt, some citrusy tones, and a small tinge of hoppish bitterness.

Apr 15, 2022
01:48:40 PM
492 Cobra United Kingdom Pale Lager 2.4

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

November 10, 2012<br> LCBO Outlet #217 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Queen’s Quay)<br> 330ml bottle <br> 5.0% ABV <br> $2.00<br> The beer poured a translucent medium gold colour with a thin white cap. The aroma is grainy malt, pungent hops, and wet metal. The mouthfeel was medium bodied and medium carbonation. The flavour is grainy malt, acidic hops, and some sourness.

Apr 15, 2022
01:47:14 PM
493 Charles Wells Banana Bread Beer United Kingdom Fruit Beer 3.4

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 7

June 11, 2011<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 500ml bottle <br> 5.2% ABV <br> $3.50<br> The beer poured a translucent red colour with a very thin white cap. The aroma was banana, spices, grainy malt, and floral hops. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. The flavour is mild fruit, spices, and acidic maltiness.

Apr 15, 2022
01:45:48 PM
494 Crest Super United Kingdom Strong Lager 1.2

Aroma: 2 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 2 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

May 5, 2012<br> LCBO Outlet #568 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Atrium On Bay)<br> 500ml can <br> 10.0% ABV <br> $3.30 <br> The beer poured a translucent gold colour with a generous, but short-lived off-white head. The aroma was grainy malt, phenol, and cold wet metal. The mouthfeel was light bodied with medium carbonation. Primary flavour was alcohol, and quite sweet. Better than Faxe 10%, but as far as 'good' beer is concerned, this is NOT on the list.

Apr 15, 2022
11:55:12 AM
495 Wernesgrüner Pils Germany Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 2.6

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

February 11, 2008<br> LCBO Outlet #255 (Milton, Ontario, Canada – Main / Bronte)<br> 500ml can <br> 4.9% <br> $1.85<br> The beer pours a clear yellow-gold with a thin white head. The aroma is very grainy and not appealing at all. The mouthfeel is medium bodied. The flavour is a combination of malt and grain.

Apr 15, 2022
11:36:55 AM
496 Westvleteren Extra 8 Belgium Belgian Strong Ale 4.5

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

July 26, 2012<br> Bar Volo (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 587 Yonge Street)<br> 330ml bottle <br> 9.1% ABV (as written on bottle) <br> $41.75 <br> The beer poured a translucent deep mahogany colour with a generous, long lived, tan coloured head. Plenty of effervescence to keep the head alive. Aroma is dark malt, sugar, plums, and licorice. Definitely a very sweet nose. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with plenty of carbonation. The flavour is sweet malt, dark fruit, yeast (and lots of it), some anise, and a bit of peppery spice. Not as good as the 12, but an outstanding beer all the same.

Apr 15, 2022
11:34:24 AM
497 Westvleteren Blonde Belgium Belgian Ale 3.8

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

July 26, 2012<br> Bar Volo (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 587 Yonge Street)<br> 330ml bottle <br> 5.8% ABV <br> $39.49<br> This completes the triumvirate of the publicly available Westys for me. The beer poured a hazy golden yellow colour with a thin, long lasting white head. The aroma was yeast, citrus, and some earthy tones. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with mild carbonation. The flavour is yeast, citrus, and light fruits with some breadiness in the malt

Apr 15, 2022
11:31:25 AM
498 Westvleteren Abt 12 Belgium Abbey Quadrupel 4.8

Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10

June 25, 2009 <br> Bar Volo (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 587 Yonge Street)<br> 330ml bottle <br> 10.2% ABV <br> $41.04 <br> Several Toronto beer bars have banded together to get several cases and sell it - and I grabbed the chance. The beer poured an opaque dark brown with an off white head...not near as dark as the St. Bernardus or Rochefort quads. The aroma knocked my socks off....fresh figs and plums, with warm yeast and sweet malt. More than satisfying. The mouthfeel was full-bodied, with mild carbonation - yet a bit thinner than other quads. The flavour again was quite complex and full of flavours when compared to St. Bernardus, and didn't have the alcohol taste and feel I get with the Rochefort. The bitter aftertaste was even pleasant after the sweet malt and fruit tones. On aroma and taste alone, this is the best beer I have ever had. I'm knocking off points for appearance and mouthfeel as the beer was 'lighter' than I was expecting.

Apr 15, 2022
11:30:17 AM
499 Whistler Premium Export Lager Canada Lager 3.2

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

June 9, 2009<br> Smokeless Joe’s (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 125 John Street)<br> 330ml bottle <br> 5.0% ABV <br> $6.95<br> The beer poured a clear dark gold colour with reddish hues,and a thin white cap. The aroma was cereal malt, with some hops. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with medium carbonation. The taste was grainy malt, some hoppish bitterness...and was quite refreshing. Better than 99% of macro lagers

Apr 15, 2022
11:27:31 AM
500 Whistler Paradise Valley Grapefruit Ale Canada Blonde Ale 3.5

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

November 2, 2013 <br> LCBO Outlet #483B (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Royal Bank Plaza)<br> 330ml bottle <br> 5.0% Abv <br> $2.24<br> Part of a BC Breweries Discovery Pack at the LCBO. The beer pours a hazed gold colour, with a very thin white soapy head, despite a vigourous pour. Aroma is caramel, weak grapefruit, and grass. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. Flavour is caramel, weak citrus, weak molasses, and grass. If I was blindfolded while tasting this....I would have sworn it was a very thin Scotch Ale....that's how much I notice the molasses taste.

Apr 15, 2022
11:24:44 AM