Profile of gaz

Profile of gaz






1185 beer caps
Joined 18 years ago
From Windsor, Ontario, NA, Canada
Last seen drinking Nothing!

I work in sales and in my spare time i enjoy staying up to date on High Def and general home theatre equipment. When i'm not doing that i enjoy drinking , and reviewing, great craft beer.

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  • Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 10 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 9

    My new favourite beer. The head on this beer is beautifully creamy and lasts all the way down the glass. The aroma is spicy and malty and the taste is a great mix of malt and yeast. A great beer that is suprisingly cheap at the LCBO. I bought almost every bottle they had on the shelf and have been enjoying one a night almost every night lately.. Heaven in a glass. Awesome

  • Sleeman Clear
    rated 1.3 18 years ago

    Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 2 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 2

    Pretty awful. Watery, thin..lacking any real character or taste. If i was obsessed with counting carbs i would not drink beer at all rather than drink this. Avoid unless there's nothing else and you don't have to pay for it.

  • Trafalgar Celebration Ale
    rated 2.0 18 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

    I usually don't like trafalgars beers so i didn't have high hopes for this. I got pretty much what i expected..a below average brew IMO. Poured with little carbonation. Head vanished quickly with very little lacing. Taste was sweet and malty and was overall very ordinary. As it warmed it got even worse with a sickly yeast aroma that wouldn't let me finish the bottle. Sorry i spent the money on this.

  • Morland Hens Tooth
    rated 3.8 18 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

    Quite nice. Hoppy, fruity aroma that reminds me of Bass. Nice white beady head that lasts a long time. Slightly sour and bitter taste with a little matliness in the aftertaste. Im not normally a big fan of bottle conditioned but this is pretty good even though i was put off by the clear bottle.

  • Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 4

    Tap. Man did this let me down. I had high hopes for a thick full bodied beer but it was not to be. I'm not sure what they're trying to do with this but it was very thin and poured with little to no head. The aroma was almost soapy (wtf?) and the taste was not much better as the fruit seemed like an afterthought. Will not be having this again.

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