Profile of courtneysd
Profile of courtneysd
PalsFrom Indianapolis, IN, United States
Last seen drinking Nothing!
Very happily married, two kids (5 and 2), homebrewer (not as much as I'd like, however), and an engineer.
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Beer Reviews
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4
This beer starts out with an interesting aroma - hops with a little fruity-ness. The color is standard for an oktoberfest/marzen, amber-orange. First taste, this beer is promising with a nice hint of caramel malt and a little hop flavor, but quickly diminishes SOON thereafter. The beer then deteriorates quickly, with an overpowering and unbalanced hop bitterness, mainly due to the lack of appropriate body and mouthfeel. Very dissapointing. However, this beer was on sale - it was bottled 08/03 and purchased/tasted 03/04. This *may* be the reason for the bad overall impression.